Game Toxicity Born Of Bad Chat UI & Isolated Servers

You didnā€™t understand. He talk about spam bots. How can you forget that !

Anyway the main topic here is VERY good.
We have all hate for what chat loby has become, still isā€¦
And that lame game finding tool is a massive issue !

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  1. I wish I had the time to read this thread in its entirety

  2. I wish I had bought popcorn instead of cheezits

  3. Blizz plz fix the stuff that has needed fixing since launch, the obvious stuff, I saw no mention of really any of it in the PTR patch notes so Iā€™m getting pretty worrisome that we may have to endure several more months of a broken game list/lobby/chat/etc. I know it sucks that Activision forced you to release the game before it was ready but itā€™s been damn near 6 months by the time 2.4 comes out, I know you were dealing with all the dumpster fires the first two months then took a break for the holidays but itā€™s really time to get back to work and fix the basic and obvious stuff that needs fixing. Thanks!


You arenā€™t capable of reading it, just admit it.

haha I wonder what happened to you that made you this way :smiley:

If I continue on through your history will it be more of the same? Just a relentless procession of your ā€œtrollingā€ if thatā€™s what you want to call this.

Anyone who has a different opinion to you is not your enemy or an idiot they just have a different opinion to youā€¦ that is all.


Wow buddy, you seem pretty obsessed with me. I must have hurt your feelings deeply. Iā€™m awaiting more torn out of context quotes from you.

lol are you enjoying yourself?

you clearly want to be a forum troll so here I am teaching you a lesson.


Your entire post history is full of it. Your just a toxic person. Do you know what cause and effect is? Do you realise that by behaving the way you do you make me laugh :smiley: as I think about what horrible things must be upsetting you in the real world to fill you with this ā€œfeelingā€


Iā€™ll wait for that. Sorry that I hurt you so deeply.

Thx for proofing what I said before

ā€¦and some English lessons your spelling is terrible


You should just breath. Walk the pain off. Itā€™s ok. I try to not hurt you again. If thatā€™s all you got, 1 spelling error in my second language where I had my last lesson more than a decade ago. Then itā€™s very sad. I mean it is already said watching you going through my post history, but what else would you have to do in your lonely life?

Maybe just take a walk son.

Odin you are unworthy of that name :smiley:

You realise I got all my quotes from the last day of your activity lol and that Iā€™m doing several things at once here? schooling you take so little attention I could do it in my sleep

Insert <br> in between each paragraph like so:

* Paragraph onesie.
* Paragraph twosie.
  • Paragraph onesie.

  • Paragraph twosie.
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Here we have a prime example of how toxic d2 players can beā€¦
The kind of person who is against things like /8 bc his intend is to keep forcing people to play with him


Hanz & Franz,
I donā€™t get a simple point. If you are so eager to play with yourself in P8 then why donā€™t you play single player? You can do everything you could do in bnet but no, letā€™s make bnet like single player but trading like multiplayer :smiley:
OKā€¦notā€¦ there are programs, you could make any item or constellation in single player for testing purposes so trading in the end cannot be the reason either. Yes, you donā€™t need mutliplayer to acquire or test the rarest items in the game.
Multiplayer is there to play together with others, trade in a competitive, hack-/cheatfree environment, to duel etc. inserting player 8 isnā€™t going to add or fix anything there, more like break the balance. Your hammerdin is going to get even richer etc.
You level fastest by playing with other people with added DPS so to promote this better interaction is required. Even with your hammerdin, youā€™re going to be slower at Baalruns without a 200fcr tele sorc and a javazon as backup.

I donā€™t agree with the OP about toxiticity being the result of the new ā€œfeatureā€. More like, itā€™s been there all the time, those rotten people, the communication problems brought them to the surface.

Chat and interaction should be the highest priority before patch 2.4 is released. How can you lvl up with bad gear and no public games?

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wow this was read that i could enjoy eating my burrito

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I agree with everything you said. I played D2 original for a couple/few years (been so long I canā€™t even remember how long exactly) and then dropped the game for MMOs and have just recently come back for D2R, but the very first thing that stuck out to me in D2R is just how bad the chat, friend, join game system is. Just chatting with someone in general is weird and hard to follow and the game list to join is about the most obnoxious thing possible.

Itā€™s almost like it has built in AI just to specifically F with you. Example, you kind of spot what you think is an interesting trade out the corner of your eye, but just before your brain can process exactly what the trade is or the name of the trade game, the list refreshes. Itā€™s like it knew. It knew you might be interested in that game, so it refreshed that S just before you could process.

Now, itā€™s going to play this game where it is going to refresh that list super quick over and over again and place this trade game somewhere in that list of 20 but in different spots and just at about the time that you scroll to where that game is in view, itā€™s going to refresh itself again.

Now, youā€™ve realized this sick, perverted game the list is playing and youā€™re competitive so have accepted its challenge and are now hyper-focused. Youā€™re bound and determined to find and join this game. But, the list system knows this, and so now it is time to slow things down. Instead of quickly updating the game list, the list system is going to simply stop refreshing itself. The trade game you wanted is not in this list of 20. Itā€™s in the other list that flashes itself up every other refresh, but now the game has changed. Now itā€™s the waiting game. You got yourself all fired up and focused, but now you need patience.

And this about the time, I just give up. I just skip the trade.


You are missing the point
We are not eager to play with ourselfs
Our point is, the current MP/solo design favors selfishness and toxic behavior
With one mode being objectly better than the other makes people feel like they have no choice or are missing something
Not only this, there should be no motive to play any mode besides liking it

Most people dont play singleplayer games to use trainers or such, at most, people mod their game. The most used mods are those that enhances the gameplay, Skyrim is a prime exemple of it.

any Hdin with half cellbrain(and enough gear) is already doing split farm and getting even richier, so no point here.

i agree hereā€¦but the problem being milenar is no reason for it not being adressed

i play on my peace, it has always been this way for me
if people wanna rush to hell first ladder day its their problem but the game should no evolve around that
that said, fixing 20 yo bugs, imo, is priority over any other thing(new content, lobby and so on). While i think it is priority, it doesnt mean i am blind for any other problem this game has.

Predictable behavior with those types. Like what a shocker, but remember itā€™s clearly not them who are the toxic trolls. Itā€™s everyone else.


Normally I would leave him to it but the hypocrisy was off the scale

This is good.
Iā€™ve pivoted you into playing the victim card.
Now you know what it feels like.
This is the first step towards understanding your own behavior towards others.

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You pivoted me into saying something Iā€™ve said multiple times throughout this very thread.
