when i try to launch the game i get
“failed to initialize graphic device…”
is there any way to change setting before launching
so the game will run on my pc?
note that starcraft remasterted plays without any problems
what are your GPUs then?
I’d like to know what we are dealing with here before I’ll start guiding you
Please state both Your integrated and dedicated graphic cards… i’d like to know this to be sure if at least one of them meets the required specifications…
I wouldn’t worry about starcraft remaster as it’s still a 2D game but with just jucier graphics… D2R on the otther hand requires DirectX 12 compatible 3D graphics accelerator with at least 4GB of video ram ( it could run on 2GB of video ram but it would be a subpar experience)…
all i can find is that i have intel HD graphics
i have no clue about the other information
how do i find out?
click the search icon/box whichever you have in the taskbar, and type:
control panel
and hit enter…
from there go into the window’s upper right corner where it says “view”
from dropdown menu select large icons, and look for “device manager”.
double click the device manager icon.
what opens up should state various things, but “graphic card” and “CPU” is what you should expand there… ( by clicking on them)
tell me what’s written inside those sections after expanding.
Intel HD Graphics does not tell anyone much, we’ll have to identify your integrated graphics card by your CPU/processor model, which is, you guessed, it an Intel, i just need the exact CPU model to identify your iGPU specifications…
as for dedicated gpu, if any… expanding the graphic cads section in device manager should tell us more what lurks inside of your rig without the need for a screwdriver…
Please inform me here of your findings in device manager, CPU and Graphics Card sections…
how can i show images in these posts?
i want to show you what i see
I’m afraid You can’t do this…
it requires trust level 3 on this forum to be able to do that, requiremets are high, and any disobeyment ends beeing permanently reverted back to level 2…
by seeing your post count and nick color i guess you’re trust level 0
the only way to show me images is to upload it to image hosting site, and paste the address bar of the image adress in a post inbetween the two “`” without quotes it’s a tilde a the symbol of ~ without the shift on standard us keyboard. pasting inbetween two tildes allows to paste links on the forums… even on trust lvl 0… I won’t be able to click it, however i’ll be able to copy and paste it to my browser’s adress bar…
and posting system will allow to create the post with it…
just write to me what’s written in fields i asked for / where you’re stuck with my instructions., and we’ll go from there…
there is no “graphic card” and “CPU” in device manager
here what is:
(sorry for the delay)
no problemo wasn’t active either…
Look inside “Display Adapters” and “Processors”.
And either write what’s in them or post a screenshot with both of them expanded.
I am sorry but your Computer is so old that graphic card isn’t even listed im my spreadsheet… niether your Processor nor your graphic fulfill the minimum requirements… this device is simply too old. You need 4 cores of minimum clock speed 2,8 GHz Yours at maximum clock speed reaches 2,4GHz your Graphic card barely has efficiency of 50 Gflops… you need an order of magnitude more at bare minimum! and most likely it doesn’t support directX 12. this is mandatory in order to run the game…
I am sorry but Diablo 2 Resurrected won’t run on this machine. You must aquire something far better than what you have now.
what about diablo 2 the normal version,
is there a way to get it from blizzard?
Well it depends a lot on what you expect and if your isp didn’t block blizz’s toreent potrs…
Because blizz officially distributes legacy d2 and lod via torrent downloads…
First you need a legitimate copy of d2 and d2lod with 24 alphanumeric cd key or simply buy them in battle net app…
Next close battle net app, and open browser and go to battle.net
Log in with the account you have purchased d2 and d2 lod.
In your account go to where you have your gsmes listed. Scroll down to legacy and select d2. Click on download. Remember that game’s language is dependant on account’s language, so if you want something different than what u want u need to change to that language in battle dot net settings.
After clicking download you’ll be reditected to the download page. It only downloads a small program a downloader for d2 or lod depending what you’ve picked.
When u have both on your pc launch the d2 one and cancel info on ability to connect to ads server.
Next accept download.
The download will seek for the game on blizz’s servers and will begin to download but the main screen will display error since blizz no longer maintains the ads server. Progress bar on bottom of the app should work however.
Download d2 and lod installers this way.
Next start d2 install. After you are prompted to enter cd key you’ll find it under details on your games section under d2 on battle.net
website in web browser.
After installing d2 cancel play and proceed installing lod. Do note however that lod has it’s own cd key not the d2 one, you need to go similarly to above but search for D2LoD cd key in your battle.net
account. After installing both you still need to update the client.
Installers install v1.12a if i remember right.
However legacy battlenet uses 1.14D
Run the game. On starting screen switch region to asia/korea as other regions will not detect/update 1.12a game client.
Next connect to closed battlenet. The client should update. After that you may change region to whatever…
Do know that blizz officially allowed usage of glidewrappers on battlenet, so you coud use glide api mode… the program enhancements like in nglide or sven’swrapper case could significantly enhance the visual quality and still enable you to play online, also glide mode has no framerate cap like directx and directdraw modes have now 200fps if i remember correctly. This is a major deal in pvp scene for example. Origially the game had a 25fps cap for singleplayer but no cap for multi… this was later revised as modern day laptops drained battery 2 fast on d2lod and it put too much strain on the laptops gpus so blizz put a 200 fps cap on multi.
If you need more guidance ask…
If d2/lod downloader does not start no mattrer how hard u try, it means internet provider blocks torrent ports… it is possible, if that’s the case you won’t be able to download
first things first, where do i buy legacy d2?
i search the battle.net app and site and nothing
well then look more precisely it’s there in battle net app’s shop you just need to look around more…
as i said after you buy them they won’t show up as downloadable in battlenet app you will hav to download via loging to battlenet by web browser.
I managed to buy and install the game,
but thing weres a little different from what you said
so i write updated buy & install instruction for future gamers:
buying the game: its almost impossible to find the games in battle.net the way blizzard put them there. luckily i found this reddit post that explain where it is:
downloading and installing:
in battle.net website go to account setting >> games and subscriptions
there you have your games in groups,
you should scroll all the way down to “Classic Games”
you can see there the license key
click on download lead you to a page with both downloads
it’s small files that open a bigger download
see here how it suppose to lookhttps://ibb.co/xY5zZgg
after that if the installer don’t run automatically
just go to where you downloaded and run it from there
either with my help or without it, i’m glad you actually managed to solve your issue…