Game is not launching

I bought the game today and I cannot launch it at all, at first it was giving me a crash report but now it goes Play-Launching-Play.
I tried every fix on the internet - windows and all drivers are up to date, I used all of the methods from the official troubleshooting guide, I reinstalled both bnet and d2r. No geforce experience. Nothing works.

To the customer support - i didnt delete Settings.JSON because D2R folder in C:\Users\WindowsUSERNAME\Saved Games\ doesnt exist.


12/26 19:25:39.283  [tact/4] [<>:0]: Error while performing host resolution for ''. Error (10109): The specified class was not found
12/26 19:25:39.283  [tact/4] [<>:0]: Error while performing host resolution for ''. Error (10109): The specified class was not found
12/26 19:25:39.283  [tact/4] [<>:0]: Error while performing host resolution for ''. Error (10109): The specified class was not found
12/26 19:25:39.283  [tact/4] [<>:0]: Error while performing host resolution for ''. Error (10109): The specified class was not found
12/26 19:25:39.283  [tact/4] [<>:0]: No valid edge nodes were resolved. Could not initialize resolver.
12/26 19:25:39.284  [aio/4] [<>:0]: Failed to open file. Error (3): The specified class was not found
12/26 19:25:39.284  [aio/4] [<>:0]: Encountered an unexpected result. Error (3): The specified class was not found
12/26 19:25:39.284  [tact/4] [<>:0]: Failed to open the config file for reading.
12/26 19:25:39.284  [tact/4] [<>:0]: Failed to load patch config. Error(1) : unknown failure
12/26 19:25:39.284  [tact/4] [<>:0]: TACT Failed to create an instance. [1, unknown failure]
12/26 19:25:39.284  [tact/4] [<>:0]: Unable to load file manifest. Invalid tact instance.

pastebin of my dxdiag:

Your system is well within spec to play the game, so no problems there.

It looks like the game is failing to authenticate with Blizzards EU servers. There have been recent reports of problems playing the game on the EU servers, very likely due to the conflicts near the region. I’d suggest trying to switch regions in the app to see if that makes any difference.

In the app, above and to the right of Play, click the :globe_with_meridians: button, switch it from Europe to Americas, see if that makes any difference.

If that still doesn’t work, the only other thing I can suggest (if possible) is to try playing the game using a temporary alternate internet source.

Changing the region doesn’t do anything either. I’m in the US and have the same problem. I’ve run through all their troubleshooting suggestions and none of it has worked. Submitted a ticket and they told me to the same things. I said I had already done those and they just said the same thing again. Based on the multiple posts in this forum looks like it is probably a Blizzard problem but they won’t acknowledge it or try to fix it from what I can see.

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