"Game does not exist" when trying to join friend

My friend and I just bought the game on Switch. They’re in California and I’m on the East Coast. I get the message “Game does not exist” when I try to join their game and vice versa same message. Does anyone know why?

Characters are all non-ladder, softcore, expansion

Add him/her to your switch and invite them to your game instead of creating a game.

Press + go to the far left to party. Press - to open friend list. Select friend and press Y to invite them.

Different location doesn’t add any issue. I’m thinking settings set in game like level restrictions or something.

Sometimes games just get locked. It doesn’t allow you to join from invites or by friends list. I don’t know why it does this, but I’ve had this happen to me A LOT.

If it’s a private game you just have to make a new game.
If its a public game, it will still show up on the list of games to join; just refresh the page if you dont see it.

Working as intended. Thanks Actiblizz!