Game Crashes (Last 2 days)

So last two days the game has been crashing pretty regularly for myself and my wife. At first I thought perhaps the game had something wrong, then perhaps it was my Mosiac build causing graphic overload however nothing seems to work. We’ve repair installs, dropped graphics setting even used classic visuals and nothing seems to stop this from occurring. It does happen more often in some places (Chaos being the largest offender)

To make matters odd, we both have higher end PC’s and our son has an older laptop but he doesn’t crash while we do (while being in the same game)

I have an idea of what’s happening but not gonna help a Mosaic user lol


Any suggestions would be useful haha, Wife is a Smite Paladin and son is a Thunder Fury Jav but only we crash (and not the boy)

Clearly he manipulated your high end PCs since he has to play on an older laptop. :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:
(I’m kidding)

I am glad to hear that a mosaic user is getting hes game ruined, just like he is ruining ours.

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Does this only happen when using mosaic?