Fun stuff with the new D2R PS4 patch (hint:it breaks offline)

I just installed the last ps4 patch and immediately says you can’t connect to
then, proceeds to ask if you want to play offline and when you accept “yes i want to play offline” it says you’ll lost your “queue” and then gets stuck at “connecting to”
the “game” becomes unresponsive and the only way to try again is force-close the app.

it kind feels like the “game” is just a windows emulator running D2 in the background, at least that would explain the bugs and the general coding quality.

yup, pure quality here, guys.

you complained about online? now the offline is broken too, so you can enjoy your weekend playing something else.

say, how is the refund lawsuit going? is it too late to join?

Thanks, man! that totally fixed my problem!! the moment i clicked the link, the playstation halloween sale was on another tab and i brought a few games to play this weekend!! and i totally forgot i wanted to play D2R!!! did you know you can drink water!!! it’s amazing how much you can learn in only 30 years of using internet, did you know there’s a thing called e-mail!!! it’s like normal mail but e-lectronic and you get letters immediately!!! THAT’S AWESOME. Also, did you know the console bug report is for consoles only!!! i didn’t know!! and silly me i was reporting my fridge. duh! but thanks for the heads up. Never should’ve guessed it served that purpose. You also owe me money and apologies.

Glad I could help. :kissing_heart: