From the other 98%

The blurb says amongst others:

“competitive Ladder system”
" optional ranked competitive system "
“players compete”
and of course

Outside of competition, the only appeal of Ladder might be specific content not available elsewhere. eg quests, gear, extra stash tabs etc. Exactly like in D3. There were tons of ladder specific gear sets with incredible bonuses and extra stash tabs (I seem to remember).

I went camping and hunting for 2 days, and when I came back, forum is spammed by our smooth brained friend, Zahramar and his delusional requests.

Don’t feed the troll. He is so full of entitlement that he actually believe he is the leader of some kind of ‘player 8’ movement, and he will be the mesia that will deliver ploot and p8 cheat code to the greedy and entitled masses.

Same politician style rhetoric on every thread through it permeates clear as day: He hasn’t played the game enough to understand it and it’s mechanics, but fueled by greed and a huge sense of entitlement advocates for shortcuts and handouts. Pathetic clown.


So, you are upset that the most dedicated and elite d2 streamers on earth are able to do something you can’t?

None of you were going to get to level 99 anyway so don’t worry about it. You should also come play with me on the only ladder that matters, the Hardcore ladder. Much less bots and streamers to cry about like you are doing.

Another cry post about streamers who actualy invest time into playing the game? Stop complaning and go playing.

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you’re the one in denial dude, 11 million players online in 2011…hmm, I wonder how many online in diablo 3 right now? you can thank the millions of fans of D2 for D3’s success, those early sales were the die-hard fans of the diablo franchise. I dont think you realize how successful D2 was, because when D2 came out there wasnt much publicity so it took some time to gain speed. Eventually it became one of the top games, and the Diablo franchise is what made ARPG such a successful genre. what did you do? google D3 sales? you didnt bother to check out the history of D2? well you should check it out. D2 had tens of millions of players playing, remember that at one point 11 million people were all online playing D2, and thats late in it’s history. D3 is a dying game because it’s just an interactive story really. I hope in D4 they dont use huge numbers like in D3, that nonsense makes no sense. They need to keep things simple, for the sake of balance.

you are absolutely right. This lobby isnt even as good as classic lobby, and they let ladder take off. idk how these people hit 87 on day one, but kudos to them for having friends willing you grind with them. I certainly feel the pain of trying to get quests done and such, and I hate when someone comes n kills a quest boss for mf. I love it when they get pk’d or die to the boss, I send them “lol noob” “go mf in a non-quest game nub” cause I know it sets their panties on fire lol.

but yeah, you’re definitely right, they need to fix this lousy lobby and get the servers stable. this is an embarassment compared to what D2 was 10 years ago.

I appreciate the changes so far, but they really gotta get the framework repaired or all this bells and whistles will be for nothing.


You are welcome to go play that crappy D3.

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Only read one line and could not finish, citation needed of your 11 million bots. :rofl:

Go educate yourself and research lifetime sales of D2:LoD too, and compare it to just first year of D3.

Keep acting like thats hard. I could be a diablo 2 speedrunner as a kid.

Blizz only cares about streamers and smelling their own farts it seems.

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I mean yes, if you have friends you can do a 8 man party and its way easier, maybe that should be adressed (like 450% health…should not be 700% extra? it would be already easier at 700 with sinergy between classes but 450 is a joke).

Now imagine having like 1000 viewers. Some will help you uninterestingly, like a friend. It gets totally easier, but those guys made their job out of your hobby, yeah, it gets lame lol, but it is that way. In exchange they help the game with their content, lots of people return to the game because “look at this 1000 runs identification video” that they did, years ago, when there was no d2r, so i kinda understand, i don’t hate them, but it gets lame, true.

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I was jebaited by community event. Turns out its just r word purists streamers doing the same thing that theyve been doing for 20 years.

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I thought long and hard why I can’t resonate with this guys complaining that streamers have unfair advantage.
I won’t play this ladder due to the lack of time and dude to the lack of a group with witch I can level and farm together with consistently. That’s the idea. You need a group to be efficient. Ladder is not a solo endeavor. It’s a multiplayer game, it’s only natural that solo players won’t have any chance in a competition with mechanics that reward group play and cooperation.

But I remember playing ladder in the late 2000’s. Remember Diablo came from a time when online gaming was mainly done from huge internet caffe’s(at least in Europe). It wasn’t hard to find a group. We leveled together, helped each other etc. It’s part of the ladder gaming loop. Remember this is a game from a different time, with a different gaming philosophy. Too bad people are so individualistic nowadays. Greed mixed with entitlement is a nasty combo.


Could’ve should’ve would’ve.

Spoken like a true armchair expert.

once again, D3 is ONLY a massive success because of D2 which was an international hit, and in the top 5 PC games. 30 million copies sold across several platforms, NOT just PC. you actually dont know a whole lot. anyways, yes. there were 11 million players in 2010, and the highest online at once was around 400k, and it was AFTER release hype(what little there even was due to lack of advertising). D3 also did massive advertising, something the previous games didnt do, which prompted newcomers to check the history on this “diablo” game. D3’s AH knocked off a large portion of purist players who dispised using cash to buy items someone else found. Then when they changed loot, and removed trading almost entirely, that took out another huge chunk. today, there’s maybe a few hundered playing at once. Also, something important to note, the bots in D2 were actually a very small minority. all you had to do was join a baal game to realize bots were roughly 1/8 of the total population. another chunk of the population was players who just got on to chat, they stuck to channel 1 mostly. They enjoyed being able to chat without having to worry about a ban for foul language, you only got banned for going way overboard. Now you can even say a single swear in a game rated M…REALLY strange. either way…I wish I had a ton of people to carry me through the game so I can lvl up easily lol. Streamers dont work harder than a player who grinds, not at all. the average player does more work, due to having zero support and needing to find it or make it on their own. Streamers are just publicity puppets in the grand scheme of things, puppets who get really nice rewards for their efforts.

That’s honestly to be expected. What can you do?

Why are you still here if D3 is so successful?

The problem with d3 is that its higher droprate and smart loot makes it boring very fast, anything else is objectively better in d3

Yea bodi sadly there will be no FRESH ECO as long as jsp and the other scum sites exist.