Fortitude or stone for merc armor?

yeah i know everyone says treachery is better, but i got him obedience polearm, and i’m using my treachery armor on my assassin right now.

fortitude looks good, with a flat 200% increase to defense, but stone does 250-290% enhanced defense. how do the other bonuses stack up?

Stone armor has great defense, a small all resist bonus and gives you a huge hit recovery bonus. A good merc armor for relatively cheap.

Fortitude armor has good defense, a decent all resist boost and a juicy 300% enhanced DAMAGE mod which is multiplicative, and even more defense from the chilling armor. Plus you get a 20% average damage boost from critical strike.

Fortitude all the way, the bonus damage will make a huge difference on how your mercenary is leeching life

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so enhanced damage on armor applies to the merc’s weapon damage? i did not know this…

so fortitude would increase my merc’s damage, which is already insane with the obedience polearm?

Yep. And as I said, it’s multiplicative.

So if for example you have a weapon that does 100 base damage with 50% ED on the weapon (150 damage), then add Fortitude armor, that 100 base damage would do 600 damage.

Frostburn Gauntlets have a 5% enhanced damage mod as well, it’s also multiplicative.

then when enhanced damage is on armor like that, does it apply to spells for my sorc, or just melee characters?

It applies to physical damage melee/ranged attacks/skills only. It won’t do anything for casters.