For all the extra expanded stash people

make characters named page_1, page_2 … page_n; done. you don’t need blizzard to implement 100 stash tabs for every character. transferring is addressed with the 3 shared stash tabs. the core mechanic for extra space is already there and has existed since d2 classic.

argument: the buffer makes this hard.

yep, the servers are unstable because a high volume of players are abusing the game by saving and exiting in high volume putting a high amount of stress on the database. diablo 2 was not intended to be played like this so it is an own-goal.

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Geo, I want to use my character slots for characters I play. I can’t afford the slots for making mules. We only have 20 character slots. That’s not even enough for playable characters. I definitely doesn’t allow for muling. And even if you’d have one playable character and 19 mules you’d only have 19 additional “stashes”, not 100.

In addition, the whole idea of using mules is nuts. Why make a character that will never be played to store items? Why not have extra stash space to stash items? This would also eliminate the annoyance of needing to ‘find’ your actually real characters in a laundry list of mules. Talk about an antiquated system, muling is the king of antiquated systems.

Adding more stash and more character slots is an EASY quality of life fix that doesn’t affect gameplay. I keep hoping that D2R will draw in new players rather than just the people who played the game 20 years ago. Having interest from a new generation will drive Blizzard to keep updating/fixing this game as we go forward. With an antiquated and nonsensical muling system that isn’t going to happen.


And here I am so happy with my much larger stash and shared stash compared to legacy…


With all these people posting crap now is obvious why there are arguments in this forum, people have no clue how this game works but think they know a lot


Great points. Having to pick between an extra stash and inventory and an actual character is a bit annoying when you are capped on a paid account at 20 slots. Since this is a remaster, you have to take the good with the bad I suppose.

EDIT: fixed typo

But legacy allowed for an infinite number of characters, and we made mules. D2R only allows for 20 characters. If we want to actually play those characters using the many varied builds available in this game, there’s not enough. In legacy, I played 9 different Amazon builds through Hell difficulty.

There’s not nearly enough storage space, and not nearly enough character slots in D2R. It’s a downgrade from legacy.


I needed new accounts after 16?

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New account, not new license key


Ahh true. So I never needed beyond that.

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I can give you plenty of good points.

How about taking 1 minute to check each mule for items, potentially taking 20 minutes to find an item in your inventory in the current state of game, something that should take 20 seconds.
Or maybe you want to play ladder, non ladder softcore and hardcore, now you have only 25% of that stash space for each mode

We need more shared stash space, not more per character, but more shared one.


Imagine telling people they should be satisfied with scuffed solutions to real problems. “To all the people wanting to buy cars, just run or walk”, “To all the people who want to use advanced medical technology to cure your disease, just live healthy and drink more water”.

Like, shut up.


The hardcore sweatlords have both games running simultaneously… they have games going in both platforms same times.

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Those are a little different but OK.

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They are a little different yes, but the core of “it works for me so everyone else should be happy” still applies.


Obviously you should make a spreadsheet or a custom inventory management tracking website so you can spend all your time messing with that.


I don’t play many characters so personally isn’t a problem for me. But I’ll never understand anyone who enjoys inventory management simulator.


Yeah, it sucks; especially with the buffer. If there were no buffer or I can see a snapshot of my stash in the character select menu that would be a lot better. Unfortunately, these are not things that are very likely to be implemented!

Ok so all you did here is explain how inventory works which we all already know. Most of us do not like it. We would rather have bigger banks which is fine which is why we rely on mods to fix mistakes of developers.

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Or better: Pgems, LRunes, MRunes, HRunes, etc.

I’m ok with more and extras to D2r… it’s an old game and this new format gives them permission IMO

Oh my Lord. The ‘’ servers are bad because players play wrong’’ whole ordeal is over for like weeks. That is some BS made up to justify a poorly released game. Even the people who believed in that are gone, you are a few weeks to late.

Also, no. I won’t make a bunch of mules and play the game differently than i like because a company cant do a good job