FOH/Holy Bolt Paladin Can't pick up item and getting stuck at items on the ground

Really strange issue in Diablo2 Resurrected.
Sometimes I can’t pick up an object.
Instead when I press the button for pick up, my characters walks a short distance.
That also occurs on interacting with portals, Waypoints or seals.
Usually teleporting back and fort solved it temporarily… but that still is very annoying.
INteracting with NPCs, Portals and Waypoints in Town work without any issues.

The bug seems to be connected to binding the Holy Bolt spell to the Controller

Also sometimes the character randomly just gets stuck or blocked by items on the ground.

Sadly I can’t attach a video or link to it, so I hope the explanation is enough.

Windows 10, Online Battlenet
Xbox 360 Controller, Riotoro Ghostwriter Keyboard