FoH merc advice

Guys, i’m gearing my foher (and really enjoy it, as he is also decent smiter with gear swap).
But im not sure which merc would be the best for him?
With quite low gear i have now rogue with insight/treachery as i’m quite tanky myself with griswolds legacy, and she’s (in most cases) keeping good distance.
But wouldnt decrep merc be best for foher?
I would rather use then frenzy barb than reapers desert one.
What do you suggest?

Thanks in advance.

Edit: i’ve got idea of giving sazabi set and Plague to frenzy merc, guess should work well for CS :slight_smile:

depends what aura you use

Im running with conv now, i dont like idea of fana. But maby this is The way?

Fanatism and infi merc then?

Im willing to test a5 with sazabi and Plague.

k so if you’re running conviction, you may want to try act 5 frenzy merc with 2 Hand of Justice Swords, Dragon armor,and a Flickering Flame helmet.

dont tell anybody about my invention. this merc build i call Man on Fire, like Denzel get it hah, it’s our secret okay? Necro fire golems hate this build.

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Looks interesting - how about swaping one HoJ for Phoenix cause auras from weapons do not stack to my knowledge?
I may try it, but rather on NL due to HRs shortage on ladder :crazy_face:

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they stack. level 46 holy fire aura.
:fire: :fire: :fire:

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instead of Plague, use Lawbringer with Sazabi.
reason being, it’s a little known secret sanctuary makes your attacks ignore the immunities on undead. so your merc can leech life off of undead, and Sazabi has 15% ll.
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Well noted :wink:
To be honest i wanted to check new RW, and cleansig is nice to have in cs without enigma.
I guess lower res wont proc that much cause of iron skin, but that is something i need to check.

I was using lawbringer on NL on my windy dru for quite some time, and i know that is one of best RWs for merc if u dont need infi.
RIP 15ed/2ar eth legend sword Lawbringer since battle cry came out.

I thought the auras didn’t stack on mercs. Guess they changed it. I’ll have to give it a test.