FO + Lightning questions

I have a Frozen Orb Sorc, with:
MAX: FO + Cold Mastery
MAX: Lightning + Light Mastery (in order to deal with cold immunities)

Do you have any suggestions as to where to put my rest of the points?
I was thinking Ice Bolt to buff FO, but when I encounter cold immune monsters, my Lightning isn’t strong enough to take them out quick.

I have found a sunder charm for Light immunes (-82 res), but I like my FO sorc.
I was thinking of maxing Ice Bolt and skip past the cold immunes monsters.

Focus on one would i say.
FO max, ice bolt max, cold mastery lvl 36 with + items and with cold sunder charm and have fun.

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Trade the light sunder for a cold sunder, I bet there are people who have plenty to spare and just play with full cold.

As for the remaining points - start developing Blizzard, it doesn’t share cooldown with Orb anymore, there is really no point in not using it.

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I would not do that.
Max Frozen Orb+ ice bolt. Mastery till you reach -195 percent with items.

1 point in mana reg skill than max mana shield and telekinese.

High dmg and dies not so quick.
With prayer and insight merc.

I have found Tal Rasha’s belt that has “Damage Taken Goes to Mana”.

Does it combo well with Mana Shield?

Barely noticable probably. The mod only triggers for the damage you take on your life pool after all absorb (i.e. from energy shield) and resistances have been calculated. So hopefully you won’t take much damage on your life anyway.
May help maintain your mana if you take a big chunk of damage.