Fishymancer Builds?

Hi all, I am going to start up a Necro and wanted a good Fishymancer build with end-game in mind. I did a G search and just wasn’t impressed with any I found.

Any links to good builds would be greatly appreciated.

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Want to start off with the basic Lore/stealth/Spirit/rhyme Insight and duriels shell for merc. finally enigma when you can grab it -anything to buff FCR and + skills get skeleton up to 20, 1 point in mages, get summon resist up and revive, clay golem maybe 15 or so in mastery obviously max corpse explosion one in amp and decrep for bosses. Personally, I find the fishymancer to be a little slow and limiting especially on levels where the paths are narrow or have doorways/bridges ie act 3 jungle, maggot layer, arcane sanctuary I’ve been successful in speccing some points into bone spear to help me kill the first person then switching over to corpse explosion to finish off the pack in those situations with insight and the right gear you’re not really going to run low on mana.

Fishymancer is just a Summoner with CE (I hate the name.)

This means you max Raise Skelly, Skelly Mastery and CE. Assuming 1 pt in all curses and you get revives you are done by the time you enter hell. This means you will have 10-20 more points to do stuff with, whatever you really want, Bone Spear, Golem Mages…whatever…

Building it is ‘easy’ points 1-3 go into Raise Skelly, pt 4 skelly mastery pt 5 Amp pts 6-23 into Raise Skelly. Then you can start filling out the rest.

Gear is all about + to skills I hate giving you the BIS stuff because most people won’t see it all. Realistically make a Stealth, I’m still using it in Hell until I find my 2 socket armor to make Smoke in. Spirit is good for the weapon, hunt down a good 2 socket shrunken head with + to raise skelly to make rhyme in. Lore for the Hat until you get better.

I moded up a fishy with real stuff for you…
https ://


Also good to mention is Heart of the oak in a flail on the mainhand and spirit in a shield in the offhand.

I see alot of people saying that, but I don’t see how it’s better than Arm/Homu. Heart/Spirit give you better curses but arm/Homu give better skellys…Guess it’s what each person values…If you want spear I can see Heart/Spirit working well.

Heart/Homu for best survivability for those HC guys…

Awesome, thanks guys for posts.

For clarity for OP,

Arm of King Leoric and Homunculus are also 2 VERY good options as well as a main/off hand. Really depends how things drop for you/you trade for/whats available but all solid options.

I highly recommend you try to snag a teleport staff from the A3 vendor, not to spam teleport around like a sorc, but teleport regroups all summons on yourself when casted.

Use it wisely, it has huge repair costs. A few picked teleports will make a huge difference when your army is scattered around. Also most people will never get enigma, good to keep around!

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It’s named this because of the person who originally wrote up the guide on the old school d2 forums

Show some respect :heart:

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It’s open ended. You can fill up on skill charms and clear anything with skeletons and CE. It’s a build you finish early and flavor however you want, many games I’m just reviving stuff for something to do (went revives for mine when I was playing)

There are some gg items but completely unnecessary because of the output from charms alone. They make great mf’ers because you can use base items and throw some mf gems/jewels in and gtg, practically every slot. I stopped with some marrows/viper/leoric and it clears wsk and Baal on hell.

Ok, I’ll call it the nightmancer, that’s better.


Lol say what? It’s the most obvious build of the game, it’s just called a summoner. Nobody checked any guides and everyone was playing it when d2 launched. I figured it out at 12yo and never heard it called fishymancer until a few years ago.

It’s a dumb name a guy gave the build because you’re fishing for CE’s since you have no other offensive spells. It’s dumb because that’s what you ultimately do with every single necro builds.


I’m just joking sheesh. The guy I replied to is less upset than you :joy:

What does CE stand for?

UPDATE: OK it must be Corpse Explosions.

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