Fire the entire community team

0 Communication since launch of ladder.

Broken lobby, bots running ramped killing the entire economy.
How can the lack of communication be acceptable?

You have one chance to make a first impression, whoever is making the decisions with D2R community management needs to be let go.


What do you want them to say? “We’re working on it.”? How often do you want them to say that to satisfy you? Once a week? Every few days? What are you going to say when they keep saying “We’re working on it.” for a duration longer than you can handle?

They know it is a problem, they can see what we gripe about in the forums.


You really think ZERO communication for a month with their first ladder launch is ok?


Well this is a Forum, a form of online communication that metaphorically speaking is like a landline telephone. So old that its unlikely many of the people at Blizzard even use it except to post official information/patch updates. Now if SOCIAL MEDIA were to go dark for a month… then yeah you’d have a point.

Broken lobby not worth their time when 95% of player base use d2jsp and/or discord to find runs and form groups.

Bots are here to stay, blizz couldn’t figure out a solution in classic d2, wow or d3 so besides ban wave after ban wave, bots are here to stay like in all arpgs.

Economy, lol. Play single player or non-expansion online if that is such a concern for you.

Yes, actually. :stuck_out_tongue:

Is it so much to ask just for some quick acknowledgement of the big issues regarding the lobby and game list? It feels like we’re being completely ignored.

Just look at the spambots, they’ve been running rampant since October and yet absolutely nothing has been done.


Huh there have already been multiple ban waves dude…not sure where you think nothing has been done. What yall just fail to understand is that it costs nothing for item sites to buy another key and start spamming again.

How about a simple acknowledgment of the issues? Lmao. You guys cannot accept any criticism of Blizzard huh? A community manager should interact with the community. That should be common sense.

I really don’t get what you guys get from running into threads like these and defending Blizzard. They’ve totally screwed up things like the games list/lobby and the zero communication doesn’t help. Some clarity would be nice.


When it comes to bots, be it game bots or spam bots, the last thing Blizzard would want to do is to release a public statement that they are on their tail. It’d be a red flag for the hackers to keep their eyes peeled and perk their ears and adapt to anything Blizzard might be doing. Although silence isn’t liked by the public, it’s the best policy to catch the cheaters/hackers off guard.

That isn’t the only thing the OP mentioned. He was talking about the broken lobby as well. Communication in that regard should be expected. It’s insane that Blizzard doesn’t feel the need to have their community team members interact with the community.

Blizzard’s ban waves aren’t effective at all either. Go take a look on JSP where Ber prices dropped by a few hundred FG today due to the crazy amount of them being available. They need to issue bans immediately when accounts are flagged.

Blizzard has a huge communication problem with it’s player base though. I don’t know how anyone is satisfied with the way they treat their customers.


The few times that I’ve submitted a ticket, I got a timely response and the issue was worked and resolved.

As far as the general discussion forum, they very rarely post in threads. That’s the way it’s been for quite some time. When they do post threads, it’s usually in an informative blog like post with a lot of information. When they post in others threads, it’s usually to confirm or deny rumors.

The technical support forum is where you’ll see more Blizzard activity. If you go look at it, there are a lot more Blizzard tagged threads, however there are quite a few that are so far aren’t… Occasionally they sift through them, combining a lot of the redundant threads into one and then reply.

There is of course Tweeter and Shreddit, and while they are occasionally good sources of information from Blizzard, those doesn’t really count IMO.

I don’t like the low level of communication either and I wish they would at least interact with the community more often… With how things are in the world right now, I’m guessing that their staff is stretched thin as it is, and leisure time for ‘hanging out’ on the forums is likely scarce.

Hopefully as time moves forward, things might change.

Where exactly you’ve submitted the ticket mate?

Once you categorize the issue, you’ll get the typical recommendation to come to the forums and ask the community, however there will be “Still need help?” below that. Click the “Contact us” button, it will take you to where you can submit a support ticket.

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I remember being able to spec to dev in D2classic directly into the game … Even said a few joke to them … That was the good time, Also remember that i had a ‘‘Special’’ window that popped on WoW vanilla from a modo that spoke to me for a while just before i got temp ban for 1 week … What happened since then ? Why is no one watching from the game itself anymore ? Why is it so hard to get a comment from them anywhere ? In game or the forum …

Thanks. However, I get 404 when I try to use the link :confused:

Blizzard has always had it’s white knights. They could spoon feed them fecal matter and the white knights would lap it up. Blizzard can do no wrong in their eyes. No matter what forum you read, be it WoW, D3, Overwatch, etc, these people will defend Blizzard with their lives.

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Oops, fingers didn’t type what the brain was thinking, try again.

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I agree they should schdule a communication time. Also they should join people in game to see through its evolution.
They should make time to come into in game chat as they get paid for this.
Most of Blizzard are half assed, they should not he afraid of some abuse they do have a ban hammer.
They should give little information every step of the way. None is absolutely not acceptable because this is meant to be a community.

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It’s interesting how many people pounce on me for asking what he would want Blizzard to say, and asking how often he’d want them to say it, then stoop low enough to call me a white knight.



Now it works, thank you good sir :slight_smile:

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