Feedback for Season 7 with Better work

Hello Blizzard,

I am the biggest fan of your game Diablo 2. I’ve been playing nonstop since my youth. It’s one of my all-time favorite video games.

Since the release of Diablo 2 Resurrected on console, I am so happy to finally be able to play on this platform. It’s really more comfortable with a controller than with a keyboard and mouse.

Since the launch of D2R, you have introduced Season 6 so far. I wanted to tell you that I am very disappointed with your work since the introduction of the “terror zones” in Season 3 or 4. It was a brilliant idea to introduce sunder charms that help us tremendously to play better alone without the help of other players. It would be perfect for those who like to play offline. My disappointment comes from the fact that since then, you have launched three additional seasons without any changes in new runewords or unique items, etc. I am really disappointed to see that your work has not evolved.

I propose that Season 7 be improved. There are several things you should work on. First, you need to improve the management of gems and runes that take up too much space in my chest. It is disadvantageous to have to place one rune per slot. I suggest being able to group 20 Ral runes in a single slot to save space. Please do it. Look at what “Project Diablo 2” does; it’s a perfect example you should take inspiration from.

I would also like you to create new areas to increase the chances of finding better runes. For example, you could create materials that are harder to obtain to open a secret portal to areas of runes, gems, or gold, to make the hunt more entertaining. Since I’ve been playing D2R offline on my Xbox, I always struggle to find the higher runes. I wanted to create Infinity and Enigma, but after many hours, I finally managed to make Enigma. I think the runes are too difficult to find. I recommend creating a new area on the model of the Cow Zone, but for runes, with fights as tough as the “uber” ones.

You need to find a use for your completely unused items. For example, the Standard of Heroes. What could it be used for? I suggest using it to make the SoH with a TP book = Rune Zone.

Please give us your best ideas so that the hardcore fans of D2R continue to follow you and support your great company.

Finally, I would like you to add a loot filter that you could sell as DLC for $5, which would make you millions of dollars. People would definitely buy this wonderful DLC.

I hope you will WORK HARD for your FANS who need D2R to be better and for you to add a new ACT 6 or a new “uber” zone tougher for guaranteed better loot.


Louis Belleau

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Not sure if you are aware of this, but Rob Gallerani, the lead developer for D2:R left Blizzard 2 years ago. Since D2:R doesn’t make them any money, they’ve been in no rush to replace him either.

If there are still dupe methods that exist, which I’ll bet there are, this would make duping 20x worse.

No… Just no.

Why would they do this? They can use a 3rd party one for free without fear of being banned, because they don’t police their games like they should.

Oh boy…

Not sure if you know this, but there is a sequel to Diablo 2 called Diablo 3 that rains loot.

It would seem that you are in fact not the biggest fan of Diablo 2, otherwise you wouldn’t want these game breaking changes.


Hard pass on anything guaranteed.

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Blizzard if you are Reading this. We do NOT want additionel mf zones. Secret portals. Loot goblins. Rainbow puke. Or anything like that

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From this quote I considered this post as a trolling lol

Doesn’t sound like you have ever played Diablo let alone arpgs. There should NEVER be guaranteed loot drops. The whole point of arpgs is to grind for loot. MMOs might be better for you since those do guaranteed drops.


How can I duplicate runes on the Xbox console? It’s much easier to do on PC! Ideally, this would be better for managing online and save in stashes (I mean stacking runes, gems in the online).

What should WE do with this SoH? Still nothing? Give me a better idea than mine.

Console HOW??? PC YES!

I don’t want something like D3 or D4. I prefer D2’s itemization. It should have better loot but still maintain the style of D2, not D3/D4, where the loot is disappointing.

Option 1: Get rid of it.

Option 2: Turn it into a unique charm that gives the following bonuses:
+12.5% to enemy health, damage, movement speed and quantity.
Quantity does not apply to bosses, super uniques or uniques. This would be in addition to the enemy bonuses for additional players in the game.
(Like other unique charms, you can only carry one.)

The monsters of sanctuary are enraged at the sight of the Standard you carry. Their damage, toughness, stamina and numbers have increased.

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Why not create a new zone map (similar to Cow, but with mobs at level 110)? This would offer better loot and more experience, although the mobs would be more challenging. The map could feature five uber bosses, each guaranteed to drop a unique item.

It seems you can’t get over wanting a way to gain massive amounts of loot. An uber smiter already makes short work of ubers. Uber smiters can be built fairly cheap.

Yes we badly need some item balance at least, some slight changes to make some unless skills viable is much needed as well, skeleton mages for example.

Some QoL changes like stacking runes and gems would help single player players at least.

Should they ever decide to expand upon the game and sell expaks to make money … the sales would be there … once a year expansion pack would suit me … gives a full year to make something and sell it to me …

→ there are areas in Ancients Way that are already set up to be doorways to other “areas”
→ Some expansion on Act 4 would be nice
→ a new merc Act 4 based
→ A new End-game area, beyond Baal, maybe involving fighting Tyreal? Act 6?
→ A harder mode, say Armageddon, w/o buffing characters
→ some new side quests, we have plenty of people on the forums that could supply lore based ideas regarding this …
→ Instead of adding more runewords, how about a few new sets?
→ Some more holes/caves like in Act 1, spread throughout the game? Maybe make them 1 level in Normal, 2 levels in Nightmare, & 3 levels deep in Hell? Each subsequent level getting harder?
→ One randomly generated Super chest that can appear anywhere in the game, drops based on difficulty & character level? Random chance at it appearing at all, and further random location it can appear …
→ a runeword [not overpowered] for 3 os orbs?
→ add to crafting recipes?
→ expand upon the ability to wear more gear on mercs??? Gloves? Boots? Belts?
→ Quash the ability to return to a former difficulty once you kill Baal?
→ Quash the ability to “bypass” Ancients and Baal unless are a minimum level period? No credit for quest unless at a minimum level … add a checksum that checks character level?
→ Reward group play with better % on drops according to how many players are present in the game? And within 2 screens of one another … Promoting group play …
→ An assigned intern to monitor chat and has an auto-ban button [lol]? Have him monitor chat and join games and ban bots/spambots/obnoxiously behaved players/etc …

Just a few small ideas … maybe one or two may appeal to the devs???


And, how about some communications? Give us something? Even if it’s bad news, communicate with us, don’t just leave us hanging out there with our britches down …