Feedback - Cure, Hearth, Ground & Temper

As the developers are introducing new runewords for Season 3 to sprinkle in more variety, I wanted to share my thoughts about adding more exciting attributes to the new helm runewords below as they seem rather bland and uninspiring…


  • Add +5-10% To Max Poison Resist
  • Add Level 1 Cleansing Aura When Equipped
  • Change runeword name to Remedy, Restoration, Purification or Panacea

This runeword needs max poison resist to keep the resistance angle of these helms along with a cleansing aura when equipped to make it more versatile and used on mercenaries. Lastly, consider changing runeword name to Remedy, Restoration, Purification or Panacea as it fits more with lore and fantasy.


  • Add +5-10% To Max Cold Resist
  • Add Cannot Be Frozen

To make this runeword more useful, simply give it max cold resist and CBF, which offers more items with this important attribute as it is essential to have for melee characters (e.g. ravenfrost isn’t ideal for horking).


  • Add +5-10% To Max Lightning Resist
  • Add +X% CtC Level X Nova When Struck
  • Change runeword name to Earth, Obsidian, Onyx, Scoria, Cinder, Basalt

To improve the usefulness of this runeword, add max lightning resist along with chance to cast nova when struck, which is fitting discharging electrical shocks from the ground. Lastly, consider changing runeword name to Earth, Obsidian, Onyx, Scoria, Cinder or Basalt as it fits more with lore and fantasy.


  • Add +5-10% To Max Fire Resist
  • Add +X% Extra Gold From Monsters

To improve this runeword, I recommend adding max fire resist along with a significant boost to gold find, which fits the theme of tempering precious metals.