Feature Request: Farming Automation

Proposal: What if Blizzard buys one of the good bot scripts and add it to D2R or D4 as a quality of life feature. this would be very useful when you’re tired of manual farming. you can just tinker with the automated system and chill with a beer or something. while doing something more useful with you’re time. like Netflix and chill. and apparently it’s not cheating if it’s part of the game.


you could just let people create their own items on a 99 char then.


yes. and you can do that on single player. i am more curious about what people enjoy about automated farming. because i never try’d it and i don’t want to risk getting a ban.

Yes… I just hate it when a game expects me to actually play it… (that was sarcasm). :man_facepalming:

I think it would be better to improve drop rates so silly requests like this one are not mentioned, let alone considered. The game is currently tuned towards automation… which I think is dumb. Experience gain is also ridiculously slow in parts.


obviously you would still play the game manually most of the time. if that’s what you prefer. this would just give more options. to explore this thing (that some people like) that doesn’t seem to go away.

No… you wouldn’t. You would go to bed, and then get up and go to work all while the bot farmed items for you.

Then, you would come home from work, and check your bot and see all the shiny loot you got that you didn’t earn. You’d very quickly have all the end game items you wanted, all the enigmas, Hotos, SOJs, Griffons, Griefs, etc… you’d have everything, and all your characters would be “finished”…

Then you’d find out that you have no reason to actually play the game, because the entire point of the game is to FIND BETTER LOOT…


then he would come to the forum asking for more better loot to be available and more end game content to farm with his bot

So you want to play the game but not play the game.

mostly play the game manually. sometimes tinker with the bot. watch it do it’s thing. get geared. get bored. quit. come back later to the thing again. guess it’s a bit like twitch streamer followers. but you also get loot.

This is a loot grind ARPG. If you don’t like the loot grind, then you don’t like the game.

Automation isn’t a feature, it’s pure laziness and goes against the very purpose of the game, which is something for us to do. Why the hell have a game that can play itself? Do you want life automated to the point where you sit in a hover chair basically in a vegetative state where everything is done for you? No sane person would want that.

some people have no choice and are stuck in a vegetative state. probably many of the neck-beards playing this game struggle with some mental disorder that mentally exhaust you. to the point were you can’t play even half as much as much as you like. or less. most of them probably would prefer to play as normal. young for ever. i guess automation would mainly be a problem if you let people automate game play on ladder. because of how it affect the trade aspect of the game. but even there you got people using bots now. and jsp to get geared quickly.

You can do this on single player… check YT, filled with people botting on single player and they do not get banned like people doing it online. Also, you can just create a character with all items you desire in a hero editor for d2lod and move the file to d2r…

Approved automation in an online game is bad… even if not really competitive like D2R. Everyone will just run bots, bots have automated pick-up. You join a game with a bot you will get zero valuable loot because bot will know a certain item dropped and exactly WHERE before you can even see its name. Bot will pick your Ber rune and you will not even have a clue a Ber rune actually dropped. This is what an auto picker will do as it reads the drop from game memory directly, this happens before the item drop is actually rendered on your screen to see, and it is already gone.

How fun to have bot(s) in your game.

Go play SIngle Player and do as you please if this is what you want anyway (play solo, apparently).

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Is this some kind of late April Fools joke?

I can’t believe I am reading this request for bots for the next patch.

trolls are funny today

no April fools joke. and no. not for the next patch. they need to fix the more pressing issues first. before adding any new features to the game.

Go buy yourself an old arcade cabinet and just lock it into demo mode. Bam, you’ll have a game that’s playing itself.

How about they preload a d2 loader each with pre loaded Redvex and a updated mosepads maphack? Why stop there? Give us all the in game protocalls so we may hack our inventories, dupe at our hearts content and load up hero editor for some legit dueling on ladder of course.

Once again that would only be possible on single player, also if they every bring back open battle net perhaps. But you know doing that may or many not be in their best interests and also it would cost funds to redo it. I am not sure all that many would use the feature, lan play would be super cool for families though and that would count as single player. Could bot on that if you want. But a bot feature for closed net is a pretty funny troll.

That animated movie is the same that came to my mind when I read the post :slight_smile:

No, this is crazy suggestion. If you dont want to play game and do something else, dont play it…