Faith bowazon Attack speed breakpoints

So I just rolled a Faith on a GMB - it rolled +2 skills and level 12 Fanatism.

I am not very happy with this roll but what can you do. My question is - what are the IAS breakpoints for this Bow and this level of Fanatism? I tried multiple times to look for tables online but they are all very confusing.

I currently get 55% IAS from my gear. I got 15% IAS Jewel on my helm, +20% from Cat’s eye and +20 from my gloves. I also have Fortitude and a Might Mercenary, which helps with the damage. Got a few +10 Max damage Grand Charms as well btw.

Anyways, I probably can’t increase my attack speed any further, so should I reduce it? Any advice here would be appreciated. Where do I stand with the breakpoints here?

39 / 50 / 99 ias are the break points for normal attacks.
Strafe is at max speed with 20 ias.
In short, you are good where you are. You can think about going for a 30 ias circlet and a non-ias amulet in the future.

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50 ias for 8fpa
100 ias for 7fpa
You can’t reach 100ias without ditching fortitude, not worth it. However, after the patch 2.4 you could give that bow to an act 1 merc then acquire a Windforce for yourself. With Windorce you can achieve 100 ias with Fortitude or Enigma on for 7fpa. That would be the most sensible solution unless you want to roll your faith again.


Thank you both for your replies! A friend of mine sent me some Attack Speed calculator that confirms this. Breakpoint is 50 IAS for level 12 and 46 IAS for level 15 Fanatism. Next breakpoint is not feasible, like you pointed out.

I already have a Windforce parked :slight_smile: I think I will keep playing with this Faith though, expecting + Skills boost from 2.4 as well. I will be going for a Pride on my Merc and will continue to enjoy his Might +220% Dmg boost :slight_smile:

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All right but just so you know a WF with a Faith act1 mercenary and Fortitude does more damage and is deadlier than a 8fpa Faith GMB. Might merc matters little. The gap is going to be even greater in 2.4, for enhanced damage does much more for WF than for GMB.

I was looking into that a lot but I got Reaper’s toll to break physical immunes + my merc does a ton of damage now. And also what happens when I get Pride on the Might Merc? Sounds like it pretty much evens out with the WF + Rogue with Fait BUT the Merc will do absolute tons of damage then while also tanking, no?

A pride merc hardly does any damage. There is no ed or ias on his weapon. Reaper merc is much stronger. With act1 merc you do the killing. Your tanks are valk and decoy. They work fine.

So the +skill changes for bowazons only apply for strafe and guided arrow native skill bonuses. Multishot synergy damage etc only applies for hard skill points.

With optimal setups, Faith L12 GMB @ 8fpa + Pride is the same DPS as WF + Faith L15, with the new synergies the WF + Faith will overtake this however. That said, the Act 1 rogue merc is rather flimsy and often gets out of your range for you to have the fanat aura up 100% of the time unless you use enigma.

Despite mercs being able to take down targets much quicker with reaper’s, Pride is much better overall for general clear speeds as your merc is not going to be swinging a lot as you gun down everything with might, fanaticism and concentration active.

For physical immunes, just use magic arrow which Pride will also boost.