It’s related in that mercs can’t currently use Amazon bows, but I believe the patch will change that. How that deal with breakpoints, I don’t know. I don’t know why attack speed wouldn’t matter on an A1 merc, since it does (so far as I know) on A2 mercs, one of the reasons CV’s are considered bad for insights and infinities, even though they have higher damage than say a thresher.
Basically, if you are making a bowzon, a GMB faith can get you better DPS but it requires pretty specific gear which can be expensive. The DPS on MB is lower with a full build, but you have a lot more flexibility in gear so it’s easier and cheaper to build if you aren’t Teemowonka.
Here is a good breakdown posted by MrYellah a few weeks back when discussing Mat vs GMB.
Now to muddy the waters further, 2.4 is going to allow GMB/Mat bows to be used on A1 mercs but now they are limited in reaching those breakpoints since they will only have chest/helm to help them get there (and any sockets in those).
If IAS never matter on A1 mercs, then you would take the slowest bow which gave the biggest damage and I’m pretty sure that isn’t want everyone does.
I think the basic facts are correct in that thread but the conclusions I don’t agree with.
It’s true that faith GMB pretty much needs 45 IAS helm, 20 IAS circlet, 20 IAS ammy and 10 IAS belt with no wiggle room, but honestly it’s not a big issue. Most likely you’re using a 45 IAS circlet and 20 IAS gloves of some kind anyway, amulets there’s Atma’s, highlord’s or cat’s eye. 2 of those have 20 IAS, and noscoil for 10 IAS which pierce can be made up for with skill point investment.
With 2.4, Atma’s won’t be needed as much now since you will likely do enough damage with synergies so the benefits of Atma’s is sharply dropped compared to IAS and FRW on cat’s eye.
So I say GMB > MB for a pure multishot/strafe bowazon.
Gear choices for both setups don’t need to be expensive, but the MB setup is more dependent on max damage charms to help it.
Agree with what you say. I’m currently waiting for the release of patch 2.4 and see how bowazon skill synergy get revamped before deciding on what bow to use.
The question is about A1 mercs using GMB vs Mat bows in 2.4 of which they have no amy slots/rings/belts available to them. They only have helm and chest (since the bow will take both left/right slots). It looks like according to Maxroll they can only get to 8 fps (not 7 like for an actual zon) but will likely still need either treachery and/or mavina’s helm socketed with an ias jewel.
Magic arrow is better for handling physical immunes and is also getting majorly buffed in 2.4.
The post just asked which base for faith out of GMB or MB. I can see how you may have drawn that conclusion but that’s what this post is actually asking.
If we were to consider this aspect though, theoretically yes the act 1 Merc would shoot faster with the MB unless you go 45 IAS on helm slot and 60 IAS on body slot, but is that really practical or sensible to heavily consider this? I think the merc’s survivability matters more here than worrying about IAS breakpoints because of this.
In practice based on albeit limited play testing with this specific setup, the rogue merc tags along and starts shooting when she catches up with you, but by then you’ve already shot 4 volleys of multishot and killed half the screen, that I doubt the rogue merc’s contribution to the fight would be noticed other than the fanaticism aura… which also has a lag factor that makes this build less appealing than a faith/WF + Pride build.
If you’re making this faith for a non-bowazon, then that might matter more, but the question still has to be asked: should you be heavily considering your merc’s IAS breakpoints when you’re doing the bulk of the mowing anyway?
Haven’t decided yet. I’ve also heard people using a Diamond bow base due to higher min dmg. Still need to respec my javazon to bowazon though and see if I’ll enjoy the build before making anything
I currently use a Diamond bow base for my single player bowazon, I picked this because of the scalability in handling players 8 mobs using amp damage while hitting the 7fpa attack speed. I picked Diamond bow over Shadow bow for that min damage. There’s only about a 0.5% damage difference once you account for all the max damage from gear.
However for patch 2.4, the synergy buffs and act 1 mercs now able to use amazon bows make non-Amazon bows largely devalued. I’ve put my reasonings in my previous posts above saying that Atma’s is more irrelevant now, so if you can “more easily” get max attack speed with GMB and still do well in players 8 and handle physical immunes more easily without Atma’s, and rogue mercs can also use GMB’s, why use anything else?
Matriarchal bows for magezons/frostmaidens will still be relevant though.
Hey giden I switched my pally merc from faith back to insight for mana due to Tele when mfing. The mat bow I use for my zon but if you were testing things for merc I have my diamond bow faith (1 skill 12 fanat in 14 Ed base) you can borrow to test things out if you were interested. I am charging 1 p emerald per week of use