"Failed to to enter game. This character is already in a game on a server"

Why do I get this when trying to join a game? Not able to create new games either!
Tried creating a new character and still not able to join.

Got the message “Failed to to enter game. This character is already in a game on a server”


Same here been like this all night its really a piss off

Had this for 10 hours straight my man.
Probably going to refund soon :confused:


haha dear lord! think I just played a cow lvl with you :smiley:
See what happens, worked fine this morning, then something happened…

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Not me. I didnt do cow and I couldnt log in for those 10 hours so xD

Cow runs sounds good to me brotha

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haha same name on char! Yeah hope you will play cow soon! Take care :slight_smile:

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Same here, seems to be affecting a TON of players

We need to make more threads and MAKE SURE they respond…

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been 2 hours. blizzard doing blizzard thing

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Same here. Dont want to play hardcore. Let me in blizz. Community manager plz respond. We arnt the same topic from 12 hours ago.

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Yea this is just unreal. Join one baalrun then character stuck forever in game server. Tried making new characters still no dice. Just sad

Same,more than 10 hours,
8 membles team,7 char was in this so-called A GAME and cannot enter game room.
It’s absurd,and ruined our game plan.

PLS Do something ,manager.

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10+ hours here of “character already in a game on this server” and “check if you are connected to the Internet” errors.

Same here. 10+ hours “Character is already in a game on this server” …

I have the same issue, after baalrun nm, cant join/create games with any char, 2 hours past now. Please fix it !

Cant stress this enough.
Server restart and then A REAL FIX please.

It seems we are just some unlucky ppl since so many other people can play without any issues

same here, i cant join game since 4 h

I noticed something strange. I can play on a SC char but not on my HC chars.
HC is where my focus lies.

Failed to enter game. This character is already in a game on the server. Please try again later


Yea, ive tryed the opposite, i can play HC but not SC.

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Can confirm EU Servers. You can play HC if you are SC player

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