"Failed to enter game, this character is already in a game on the server"

Battle.net: y3kboarder#1942
Character: SlootySorc
Class: Sorc
Server: Americas
Platform: PC Windows 10
‘’ Failed to enter game. This character is already in a game on the server. Please try again ‘’

I’m not able to join or create games. (“the character is already in a game on the server”)
Bnet Tag: Kamishohouse#2590
Char: Kamitime
Class: Paladin
Server: Europe
Platform: PC Win 10

Bnet Tag: TheOnlyMrH#1787
Class: sorc/druid
Server: Americas
Platform: PC Win 10

‘’ Failed to enter game. This character is already in a game on the server. Please try again ‘’

Battletag: iGotSwagger#1200
Character: Nova
Server: Americas
Platform: PC

please help me. I’ve been stuck for 24hrs.

This is honestly irresponsible. No updates for us unlucky plebs who can’t play because of your bug?

They indicated that they were manually unlocking locked characters. Doesn’t mean it will do anything, but it can’t hurt

Char: Izzy
Server: Americas
Platform: Win 10 PC

This is literally pathetic, Blizzard.

Just postpone the release of your game if you can’t deliver on a product that you accepted money for. Your brand is already in the dumps, why add to it.


I have this same issue…

Any resolutions?

Please help, same problem for me.

Still can’t join. Same stupid bug. If I can’t get on soon, I’m contacting paypal tomorrow and going through with a fraud report and getting my money back. fock you, blizzard.


Same here, for almost 7 hours.

For what this is worth:

Windows 10

Can someone tell me if this exact bug was happening frequently on beta? Because on beta I never ran into the issue the entire time and there was only one thing I remember doing differently. It may not have anything to do with the bug and be pure coincidence though.

Anyways this may be pointless information but on the beta I never put gear into a certain section of the stash. I’m pretty sure I avoided putting any gear at all in either the shared or personal tab (not sure which) due to someone else on the forum mentioning issues about it. At the same time coincidentally never ran into the character already in game glitch on beta servers. Meanwhile on live I’ve used every section of the stash and ran into the error frequently.

I think in all likelihood what I avoided using was the shared stash tabs as they were rumored to have caused account issues.

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been locked out for 6 hours. plz fix

Me too -.- if I create a new hardcore char, I can start a game. But nothing on normal chars … existing or new ones. It is so annoying. Always the same message after I got kicked 6 hours ago -.-

Just adding to the pile. My characters are also unplayable.

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BattleTag: Demonnation#11791

Character: DirtyDiana

Server: N/A

Platform: PC

same here cant join game after restart Diablo!
please check my account!!

Character locked
Bnet Tag: Caligo#1228
Char: Zaptastic
Class: Assassin
Server: Americas
Platform: PC Win 10