"Failed to enter game, this character is already in a game on the server"

They might be pushing for the streamers to beat the game first for clicks.
Dunno it is just BS that the Streamers are getting all the help.

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Battletag: Harmonium#11448
Character: Chant-Chan
Class: Sorceress
Region: NA
Platform: PC

Why are you guys posting your battle tag and character name…

They never asked for us to post it do you think its gonna work?

Why can’t you simply restart the servers? If we put common sense aside and just stick to pure marketing, it still looks better to have 30mins outage for everyone, rather than letting play some number of players and not allowing another ‘huge chunk of players’ experience the same. It should be called triple U instead of triple A company: Unfair, Unreasonable, Unstable for every single lunch. I expierence the same issue ofc.

‘’ Failed to enter game. This character is already in a game on the server. Please try again ‘’

Can you PLEASE unlock my character I can’t create games online or anything.

Nicrophagist is the character name and it’s on ps4/PC


Thanks please fix this issue along with the server issue connecting.

Server: NA
Character: CubeCrawlQT (HardCore)

Took PTO to play this crap. Fix this or this will be another game I refund, cube crawlers.

Blizzard y are SHAME. Refund US NOWWWWW

Battletag: Bhaeron#11990
Character: Natures-Wrath
Region: NA
Platform: PC

Been stuck since 930am please help!

Restart your damn servers instead of pretending to manually unlock people you disgusting butt pirates.


It has been hours now, even with a trouble ticket and I still can not enter my char into a game. This is my favorite game i’ve ever played and I was so excited for this release.

same here been waiting 6h

I’m not able to join or create games since 6 hours ago (“the character is already in a game on the server”)

Bnet Tag: Azthvael#1304
Char: Eryadel
Class: Sorc
Server: Americas
Platform: PC Win 10

im having the same bug

I can not make a game or join one. it says that : Failed to enter game. this character is already in a game on the server. please try again.

it has been like this for over 24hrs please fix!

North America
PC, wins 10

i have the same issue… could you reboot my account or something


Battletag: Soraprica#1187
Character: Cocodin
Region: NA
Platform: PC
‘’ Failed to enter game. This character is already in a game on the server. Please try again ‘’

Im having the same bug as well…Ive been waiting hours hoping to play again…so exhausting

They already cleared ubers. My friend group has cleared hell. I got to play for 2 hours yesterday and have been locked out since.

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