"Failed to enter game, this character is already in a game on the server"


Same here …
Char locked !!! for more than 7 hours now.


This also happens to me… When will it be fixed?? It has been over 4 hours now!

I don’t think I can trust this company anymore. Some people play games and others are bad at games. Does this make sense?

BattleTag: Xantrix#11386
Character: HammaTime
Server: ALL servers cant make or play on any
Platform: PC

Même problème avec tout mes personnages :expressionless:

blue responded here line 917

enforcer #1709
windows 10
literally been locked out for almost 20hrs

BattleTag: KoNoHa#21923
Character: eS
Server: Europe
Platform: PC

Thanks you

Same! blizz help! please

Twitter official:

This actually isn’t a server issue and moreso a database one. Chars stuck in them during restarts thus needing to be flushed out. They are flushing them out safely to ensure no data loss and it unfortunately just takes a little bit to get through the queue.

[9:32 PM · Sep 24, 2021]

Even with this, it seems like its hiting more and more people, so flushing them out wont fix the problem as it will just happen again.
Still priority should be to have people be able to play again asap.

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Character: Charsi #2338
Server: EU
Platform: PC Windows 10

Character: Scary
North America
Over 5 hours now

1 Like

Shame on you blizzard!!! refund us NOWWWWW


Im going on over 18 hrs of this bs… since 11pm est last night… i wanna cry

Been having the same problem … been 5 hours. please unlock our toons to play !

Toon name Mystery

Yup, all day. locked out of main character and cant even play an alt- compltely locked out

Same here, help please.

Still waiting for my character to be unlocked on D2R…

Account: Cryptic #133661
Character Name: CrypticSorc
Server: Americas
Platform: PC

Been watching friends play for hours without me both yesterday and today while I’ve been locked out every time and they get to continue playing… I would appreciate the unlock thank you.