"Failed to enter game, this character is already in a game on the server"

Battle Tag : Marwins#2171
Character : Marwins
Server : Europe
Platform : Windows 10

BattleTag: Vazehalla#2910
Region: EU
Platform: PC
Chararcter name: Slasket
Locked out for over 3 godamn hours so far today and 2 hours yesterday

Battle.net: Mesh#2245
Character: OMEGALUL
Class: Paladin
Server: Europe
Platform: PC

Battle Tag : haXudon#1567
Character : haXudon
Server : NA
Platform : Windows 10

Tag: 琦77#4848
Server: Asia
Platform: PC

BattleTag: MyXaMoP#2522
Region: EU
Platform: PC
Charname: Krapiva
Game Mode Softcore

Locked for 7 hours

Battle.net: ItzJimShady#1778
Character: Ambellina
Class: Sorceress
Server: US East
Platform: PC

Please fix my character being locked. “This character is already in a game on the server.”

Going on hour 15 or so.

1 Like

Unlock my character please

Battle.net: magetor#1528
Character: MaGeToR
Class: Sorc
Service: europe
Platform: PC

BattleTag: Adrifl07#2617
Region: EU
Platform: PC
Chararcter name: Wanda

Battle.net: DRuF#2147
Character: Death
Class: barb
Server: Europe
Platform: PC

Please fix my character being locked. “This character is already in a game on the server.”

Character: Voltage
Realm: NA
Battletag: Blueshift#11409
Issue: Failed to Join game. Already in a game on the server.

Please help, its been over 15 hours.

Same… I Can t play today

Battle Tag : VaJohn#21679
Character : Loot
Class : Sorceress
Server : Europe
Platform : PC

Can’t play any Region, “character already ingame” bug and it has been 4-5 hours at least today. My friend was in leveling up and could even freely create/join games. FIX pls.

cant play
Character: Retardify
server: NA
Cant use other characters anyways

Battle.net: Fenrix#2886
Character: Fenrix
Class: Druid
Server: Europe
Platform: PC

Please fix my character being locked. “This character is already in a game on the server.”

Locked out here… Made a new char and also cant even join a game with them.

Battle.net: josephxsxn#1769
Character: ThexForce
Server: Americas
Platform: PC

BattleTag: daemonJr#1425
Region: NA
Platform: PC
All SC Characters

BattleTag: Armageddon#2904
Character: Juka
Class: Sorceress
Server: Europe
PC Windows 10

BattleTag: Godmood#2601
Region: EU
Platform: Pc
Charname: BroderTjock
game mode softcore
locked for hours

BattleTag: Detslim#1256
Character: Detslim
Server: NA
Platform: PC Windows 10