"Failed to enter game, this character is already in a game on the server"

Character: shattrddeath
server: north america
platform: PC Windows 10

Аналогично пишет персонаж уже в игре

Also locked out for a long time, black screen on alt as well.

Character: ktran

Battle tag: Elite#1452


America region

All characters new or old
Battletag: AVWEcoqXYTey#1578
Server: North America
Platform: PC Windows 10

when fix? when fix? when fix?

Battle Tag: ile #2631
Character: Star
Server: EU
Platform: PC

“Failed to enter the game. This character is already in a game on the server. Please try again.”

also cant login, either locked in, unable to connect or black screen when starting a char
Char; Hestenlamar
Server: eu
platform PC


Server: EU
Platform: PC
Please fix this fast

Been like 6 hours already…
Battle Tag: mrvirus#2440
Region: Europe
Char : mestartrapassa
Platform: PC, Windows 10

Their pipe can’t handle the bandwidth:

If you do trace routes to their battle.net servers there’s a point in their network stack that starts dropping data. The network stack at on this VLAN (52.93.94.xx) is dying from all of us trying to get our lewts.

7 9 ms 8 ms 9 ms
8 * * * Request timed out.
9 * * * Request timed out.
10 * * * Request timed out.

restart the servers instead of continuing to do only sexual harassment

1 Like

Been locked out several hours yesterday and today
Battletag: Joqer#1749
Character: sorc_ocourse

Every single character
Battletag: Kyosora#1535
Server: Americas

Server: NA
Platform: PC

Server : NA
Character: Shiver

Cant play EU, cant play america’s. 5th hour now with “character already ingame” bug. got a couple hours yesterday but had the error before the server reset for 3hours well. Super fun to see all my buddys get to lvl 60 while 3/7 of us can’t even log in. Fun game.

Battle.net: BioHazard#1841
Character: ForeignObject
Class: Paladin
Server: US East
Platform: PC

Please fix my character being locked. “This character is already in a game on the server.”

Been over 18 hours

Battle.net: Zaintly#1808
Character: Zaintly
Class: Sorc
Server: US
Platform: PC

Battle Tag: IronWolf#11366
Region: Americas
Platform: PC
Char: Zarael, SlayDarkness
Failed to enter game. This character is already in a game on the server. Please try again.

Character: Sork
Region: Europe
Platform: PC