true is looks like as long as streamers can play they dont give a F
lol no kidding if mr lama got this bug it would be fixed in 20 min
he had it yesterday and then they restarted the servers…
i sure hope many of the streamers get this bug now, not because i dont want them to play, but i want this fixed FAST
the unfair damage done can not be undone anyway…
Everyone go tweet at @blizzardCS about the problem
they have to answer at one point
ha that is funny it would of costed him his world first everything i would have loved to see some equality happen he gets his world first i get booted for 12+ hours the moment i get into a baal run not so fair to me
Yeah if you’ve seen the HUNDREDS of tweets at them already, you’d know they aren’t responding
already did but they dont care anymore as they have our money!
Also been getting this issue since last night around 21:00.
“This character is already in a game on the server. Please try again”
There’s no meaning to the “world’s first” anymore when some people are locked out completely. It’s like blocking half the competitors from the Olympics, but still claiming that the gold medalist is the best in the world.
Done it on there and the Diablo Twitter account…
People need to hit up all they can
Its pretty obvious they dont care. 20 years old game, known bug, almost a day since the first people were locked out and still nothing. Just a sad company.
i know its a bunch of bull they should have just gave it to him in beta i took a week off to play hard get locked out in under 5 hours while i get to watch the streamers play with no issues for the entire day
Honestly it wouldn’t be so bad if I could just make another toon or something, but it locks you out so you cant do anything, but HC.
We must have gotten an update from Blizzard on this since it’s game breaking and impacting a ton of people… right?.. right???
thank you at least everyone here can see they are trying to do something and give us some kind of answer
Also got this answer from CS.
Thanks for sharing that. Good to know they at least acknowledged something
Yeah this is lying to our faces. They don’t even care enough to do a simple switch flick to fix it temporarily by restarting the servers.
Per their twitter feed (instead of their actual own forums)
“We are aware of the issue happening and working on it at the moment. We do not have an ETA yet, but we are trying to get everyone back in as soon as possible. ^ROX”