"Failed to enter game, this character is already in a game on the server"

Battletag: Vendetta#1727
Character: ZraekorMF
Region: NA
Platform: PC
Time: Now

also stuck in game
Please help us Blizz

Battletag: Hazy#1757
Character: MissF
Region: NA
Platform: PC

Keep getting failed to enter game. this character is already in a game on the server

Cannot play online again… Waited 10 hours yesterday and today it has been several hours allready…

Please unlock my character

Char: SpaZmaTixX
Realm: EU
Platform Windows 10
Problem: Failed to enter game. This character is already in a game on the Server please try again
Problem 2: Black screen for new chars.

Blizzard help please

Battletag: Seraph1nia#1104
Character: BefTekkel
Region: EU
Platform: PC

Keep getting failed to enter game. this character is already in a game on the server

Battle Tag:Npredan#1999
Character: Protection
Region: Americas
Platform: PC

Keep getting failed to enter game. this character is already in a game on the server

1 Like

Hello again everyone,

Just wanted to get everybody an update on the situation. The process to unstick characters is still getting run periodically. We’re currently investigating situations where players have been locked for an extended period of time and the system still hasn’t caught them yet.

If you are reporting this issue in the thread, please let us know what time and time zone your character was locked out of the game. If you’re not 100% sure, a guess is fine. If you were recently locked out you should be caught in a future unlock wave, but anybody who’s been stuck in game since before 6 AM Pacific Time, please post here and let us know so we can figure out what’s going on.

Thanks again for all the info.


Battle Tag:RhinoMurder#2437
Character: TheOffice
Region: Europe
Platform: PC
Timezone of lockout: circa. 9am to now(6:30pm)
Time: GMT+1
Keep getting failed to enter game. this character is already in a game on the server
it would be amazing to get unstuck any minute
edit 1: 8:30 pm now :frowning: would really like to play
edit 2: its 10:12pm nothing new
edit 3: 9:25 am in the morning… im getting annoyed its been like more than 24hours

Character: all characters
Battletag: Notorious#21156
Server: EU
Time zone: GMT +1
Time locked: ~15:00
Platform: PC

been locked out for 3-4 hours again


I am stucked for more than 12 hours.

Account: RoRi#2868
Time zone +1 GMT

Happened around 6:00 am. local time.

Got bugged after identifying a unique bow. Thanks!

Battletag: Hazy#1757
Character: MissF
Region: NA
Platform: PC

Keep getting failed to enter game. this character is already in a game on the server

Have been stuck since around 10am Est. (About 2 and half hours from this post)

Character: Geozor
Battletag: Geozor#2348
Server: EU
Time zone: GMT +1
Time locked: ~15:00
Platform: PC


Char name: Asclepius ( locked in game)
New char unable to make game, says “failed”

locked in game @ 04:00 Saturday, Pacific Time (PT)

Server: EU
Platform: PC
Character: Miffy
All other chars in SC are also locked

Character: ShaquilleOzeal
Battletag: Sparda#1125
Server: NA
Time zone: GMT -5
Time locked: ~11:30
Platform: PC

Character:all characters
Battletag: dicterman#2125
Server: EU
Time zone: GMT +1
Time locked: 09/25/2021 ~14:00
Platform: PC

Been locked out again… around 12:30PM E.S.T. today (Sept 25)

Platform: PC
Battletag: hikira91#1167
Character: Loki
Region: US

Server: NA
Platform: PC
Character: LoudNinjaIce

Locked, says character already in a game on the server. Tried all Troubleshooting, didnt work.

Character: all characters
Battletag: Aitorete#21366
Server: EU
Time locked: ~6:00
Platform: PC

Battle Tag : Itsulow#1465
Region : Europe
Platform : PC

Stuck since 8 AM in Paris time.