Trying to login into my Playstation-linked Diablo 2 Resurrected account on the pc. When I click online to access my online characters it says ‘Connecting to…’, then says ‘Failed to Authenticate. Please try again.’
I have never been able to access this on the pc. It give me the same failure message everytime I have tried - multiple occassions over a few weeks.
ive been having the same issue since Christmas day. works on my console just fine but pc is a no go.
Haven’t read anything from blizzard about this problem, seems like they are ignoring it.
Have either of you purchased the game on the PC? You have to buy the game for each platform you want to play it on. Progress crosses over, but you still need a game license for the PC to play on the PC.
Yes I have purchased on both Playstation and PC
I am having the same problem, but I have only played on PC. It will not allow me to connect despite running a scan which had no changes, rebooting multiple times as well as logging out and back in on Can anyone suggest a course of action?
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Hey everyone.
This is a bit awkward to address on the forums yet I did check into each case as best I could here. MissCheetah brings up a good point as it’s a common point of confusion. This error typically means the game is not on the account or the order is still processing. I have some specifics for each case but please be aware if there’s a concern, a ticket to a Game Master is best.
Waxmellius - I do see the order and console links for Diablo 2: Resurrected. If there’s a problem still, please try removing the link and then relinking the console and accounts.
jtalway - I looked over the account and saw Diablo 2: Resurrected was not purchased on it. I did some more checking and think a different account purchased it a few days ago. If you know what email you used for that purchase, try logging in with it and launching the game. If you’re not sure where the order was made or think the order was done for this account, please make a ticket and include the Order ID or any other information you have about the purchase so a Game Master can check further.
ShadowStorm - Looks like there was a payment issue and the game is not on the account any longer. A new purchase would be needed. If there is a problem with completing it, please consult with your payment provider.
I tried disconnecting the link and reconnecting but still have the same error. Failed to Authenticate. Still works on console, but not PC. i got kicked off console while trying to fix this issue so i know bnet registers my account. PC doesnt load my account when i log in, cant play online games, ive never made an offline so i dont know if those carry over.
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same issue, have game on both pc and ps4. have been able to play both fine, have been able to once in a while log into pc bt mostly get failure to authenticate. game is on my account, dont know what else to do.
Hello i have the exact problem i bought game ps4 version now on pc it let me login 3 times in total since i bought game 7days ago if someone can help with this problem would be really appreciated thank you
nothing works. i have been able to login one time since my last response. we made a donation to blizzard. im kinda hoping that the patch will fix this. otherwise i may be starting a new account, not linked to my playstation.
I purchased the Console and PC versions on launch and have been able to play both just fine. Up until about 3 days ago. I can still play fine on my PS5, but when i attempt to log in to PC i get the error from the thread title. I tried reinstalling the game, changing my password, flushing my DNS, doing a repair of the game files… all no dice. Help would be appreciated.
Howdy Everyone,
The best thing to do with this specific error is to put in a ticket with a Game Master. This issue can be caused by a list of things including billing issues. Please put in a Ticket for more assistance and Customer Support will dig into what’s happening.