Failed to authenticate. Please try again

I just installed PTR and I keep getting this error when I try to switch from offline (single player) to online tab in my character screen. At first I had error about you have not logged in the last 30 days so I went to my actual character online. I stop getting that error about 30 days notice however cannot enter PTR realm due this error about failed to authenticate.

Please HELP! I see other streamers on twitch play but I cannot.

I tried to download BETA launcher didn’t help. My launcher is up to date. Also, tried to reinstall D2R PTR but didn’t help.

You should update launcher. Had same problem, fixed after update and restart.

But still I can only run offline PTR and don’t know how to start with 99 lvl char)

I tried to download BETA launcher didn’t help. My launcher is up to date. Also, tried to reinstall D2R PTR but didn’t help.

I get the same thing, offline works, online gives “Failed to Authenticate”. Everything is up to date.

PTR isn’t up right? So I am guessing that’s why the error pops up.

PTR is up. My friend is playing. Also there many streamers playing PTR too.

having the same error, re-installed, not fixed, offline chars are not patch 2.4

Still got this Problem, any helps?

Have you completely exited the application and restarted the launcher?

Today I can login. All works fine.

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Same issue. It was running fine and normal D2R is still ok. So far I have:

Re-booted both PC & Router
Uninstalled/Reinstalled PTR
Checked firewall
Cleared DNS cache
Changed password
Switched into/out of different region
Reset PC to previous system restore point
Run as administrator

And in a final, desperate longshot messaged the misleadingly termed “support” at Blizzard, although I think it might be better to call it the “Thought, Prayers and positive vibes” department. It will doubtless improve as a support section once they employ someone.

So, any other suggestions?

PTR is offline right now, they took it down ~2 days ago and said it would be back in roughly a week. Should still be able to play it offline.

Same issue. All i have is offline

I have the same probleme… I was able to play ptr online but 2 day ago i get the failed authentication… Why?