Anyone else getting these long loading screens, and when you actually get off the loading screen mobs are actually attacking you as if you already loaded. Is this a my computer issue? or is this a problem within the game
Yes, the loading screens are a travesty
i have the same, its likely a pc issue aswell as a d2 issue.
what specs have u got?
i only have 8gb ram (the game takes over half of my memory) and i dont have an ssd, which are probably the 2 biggest issues. for sure if i had much advanced components load time would be shorter.
I have extremely high specs compared to what is required, and only run in 1080P. There is absolutely no reason I should have load screens
the game is very demanding, i have a new computer and loadingg times are almost the same like the original game. I am playing everythingg on max and ultra. Problem is your computer. Upgrade it…
No, it is not demanding, at all. Are you serious?
Also dear god, the original game had NO loading times. Come on now.
i am serious, are you serious ? Dear god, so many ignorants walking the earth
i have 64 gb of ram and running a 1080ti never had these long load times in the orginal game lol and they are at like 30% usage on gpu cpu
I am ignorant because I understand current system specifications and the requirements of this game? Get over yourself fool, this is by no means a ‘demanding’ game.
As for the above post, I have a damn 30 series to top it off. NVME blah blah. Still loading screens are ridiculous. So please, try again.
be quiet nephalm fool , i at least have no isuues with my loading screens with rtx3080, nvme pcie 3 m2 and an amd ryzen 7. Game runs super smooth. Taking portals to other acts is slightly delayed, but not like i would get killed by duriel.
I can’t even take you seriously, I’m done here. I don’t even know what to make of you…
Being attacked before a loading screen is gone is not supposed to happen. That was one of the features of D2R. Now, if you’re talking about going between floors in say, the countess’ tower in Black Marsh, you can in fact be attacked the instant your character spawns on the next level. But I’ve not yet seen my character attacked when coming out of a loading screen.
If you have a way to snag a video of this happening, please do so and make sure to post over in the bug report forum.
As for the long loading screens, yes, they are in fact longer than the original game. I suspect this is due to both of the graphics engines being active concurrently combined with having to properly sync up before it lets you load.
It was reported a ton of times in beta, due to HC characters being killed before they even got to see the boss. It has also been reported the same way multiple times since launch. It is not supposed to happen, that I can agree on. But I promise you people are still getting killed in loading screens.
you can probably blame the servers. they’re still questionable. from what i understand you’re not loaded in an area before you can see it, you’re in kind of a space in between town and area.
My lvl 83 HC barb died when going from Act 5 Harrogath to Act 2 Far Oasis (Terrorized) by 2 Cave Leeper minions.
This was 1 month ago. So yes, death happens on loading screens.
The loading screen is 10s between acts for me, I upgraded my HDD to an SSD NVMe and it remained the same…
Loading times make my Travincal/Pindle/Shenk runs really annoying
worse is trying to trade at times.
I have a $23k computer AND STILL HAVE TO DEAL WITH THIS.
It is not anyone’s computer - its a lack of proper hiring practices and technical knowledge on blizzard’s part. They had one job - give us a polished gem for our hard earned money, instead they keep giving us polished gems with cracks or chips.
I believe it is due to framerate capping, if you have uncapped framerate the loading screen will go fast but then you’re running the game at like 300fps putting unnecessary taxation on your computer that is why people keep it capped to 60fps or whatever their monitor refresh is.
Take a look at this post by TheTias. The issue has to do with CASC and how it appends data.
I too have a decent system with m.2 NVME SSD and had annoyingly long load times between acts and reinstalling did seem to help a bit. Still not as good as instant legacy games, but less frustrating.
In terms of dying before the loading finishes, I believe they added a grace period around WPs as a fix in D2R, but then they seem to have used the wrong version as the starting point for a different patch, and we seem to have lost that feature again?