Extend "Mosaic" Base for all Melee Weapons, Attract More Characters

Let’s make it as an end-game option, suggest it use X+Zod+Eth or any rare runes combination.

Base: All melee weapon, not only claw.

Level 3-6 conviction aura when equipped.
Unique Effect: Melee attack cannot be blocked (as an attack modifier, only work on wielding hand.)
+2 to all skill
+40% Increased Attack Speed
+250-350% Enhanced Damage
7% life Stolen per hit
-50% target defence
X Rune Effect

I’m core player to MA Sin. However, I know few people love this character due to the mechanism and strength.
And, for current “Mosaic”, the unique effects are not so good to buff MA sin actually. Many topics have discussed it.
Therefore, why not make it as an attractive choice for everyone? And it also can resolve some pain points of MA sin!

The conviction aura can make A3/A5 merc have more chance to be selected. But need dual-wielding to compete with Infinity.

Cannot be blocked - it can resolve MA Sin Charge Up difficulty when V.S. Baal or any mobs with shield. And it would be a balance PVP weapon for MA Sin as well.

Also, I have submitted some MA sin buff suggestion here:

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