People as myself come on here to vent about he changes they would like all the time, some ideas highly agreeable like character art changes. To better merc ai , more endgame. Fix the many more glitches left in the game. Lets be honest Devs are costly and all these changes just arent coming and if they are its going to come dead slow (as always has). I just wanted to know what people think of an expansion that tackles visual changes - offer visual makeovers to chars, possibly several? fix shako? And possibly they could handle other issues with the money generated. Remember, were on the cuffs of diablo immortal $$$$$ which is making blizzard alot of money from, and D4 is coming up with microtran$ so im very concerned this game with get corporately shelfed. Considering that this community has quite a few successful adults, i really would hate to sit by and watch that happen.
I’ll say expansion is agreeable to microtransactions. However, as you pointed out immortal is bringing in some money for them now. Sense they took people away from this to work on immortal it would be nice now if some of that was reciprocated now that immortal is off the ground so to speak. They should put a couple people back onto this project to work on the things people have been talking about and perhaps an expansion
I’m all for an expansion
But first of all I’d like them to fix the base game and then they can release an expansion
Otherwise it would be like building a new story on top of a rotten house
the opposite Blizzard will naturally reallocate where the money is coming into. thats whats scary! They gotta know our community wants more and is will willing to support! for the cost of 2 drinks at a bar ids gladly pay for more devs dedicated here.
yes indeed. hopefully see that happen
Let’s be honest, it has become disturbingly normalized to release half-assed and unfinished games, with the “hope” of maybe getting finished with patches. Patches, which are considered “new” content, instead of the mandatory finishing of the game in the first place!
and yes. also need a new or more active community leader. sorry pez we see you hardly look at this site.
Make shako great again and let the char look like a green teletubbie
Watch out
Last time I talked about Pez inactivity moderation removed my post lol
True and i feel they dropped the ball with a few things like model art, but honestly / they delivered with D2R we want more!!! FACTS: its not free, i mean whats 20$$ more??? i doubt Blizzard is going to ask this community for any money because of retaliation, but if there was a way so that the one that could pay for say : Character visual changes and keep the game the same… what would be great!!! that would help all cause there would be a major upgrade to potentially fix alot of things… i just want Blizzard to know some of us would pay for changes now! not runewords / major changes but the obvious stuff that really still needs work. I just know we have the community to get it done in a timely manner and, its sad to have to wait! considering how d3 was constantly making improvements why cant we have that here??? take my 20 bucks.
Pez has said there aren’t any expansions in the works for D2(R).