I just create a new one and join cow as level 1 why 8players cow gain my exp not much.
I’ve played normal just den I think level up to 3 already.
but if I’m level 50 join cow hell my exp gain 2 level
I just create a new one and join cow as level 1 why 8players cow gain my exp not much.
I’ve played normal just den I think level up to 3 already.
but if I’m level 50 join cow hell my exp gain 2 level
Googles top result for “diablo 2 experience calculation”:
You can’t power level before 25.
Thats the way the developers decided to make the game. Not much more to it.
If you are too low leveled, most areas will never give you exp as a leecher…
Currently the ONLY area that will allow you to leech from level 1 to 90+ is hell chaos sanctuary. You’ll notice 20s will feel slow again, some players will switch to cows for just a few levels I personally don’t bother since it is just a few levels and the exp gain will kick back on and won’t stop until you are high level.
Just target to reach level 25 on normal level, after that you will gain good experience. Thats how I do it.
i don’t even have patience for these people anymore, there’s hundreds of guides telling you how leveling works. go ask google.
LOL I like your comment, but I guess that some people likes to be a little bit more in contact with humans online.
I dont see why you have to always shoo people away.
Random google results can be outdated, have advertisement bloat, and may send them on a goose chase before they find the right information.
Helping new players and welcoming them to the community is a core part of being a D2 player.
I thought it was about constantly complaining that things used to be better and yelling at kids to get off your lawn.
Shhhh that IS the community haha
If they find out thats all we do, they might not want to join.
Nobody opens the game anymore
well it seems like OP hasn’t even been back. hopefully they know how to level.
There are 2 different popular ways to transition levels that tend to give the best experience gains:
Trist runs from level 1 to level 15
Tomb runs from level 15 to level 20
Cow runs from level 20 to level 24 [some people continue to about level 35 where experience drops off]
Ancients for 1 level
Baal runs to level 40
Get a GRush [Glitch rush]: at level 1 you are in a game with a “bumper” [level 40+] and get rushed all the way to Hell Act 5.
Then do Hell Chaos runs to about level 80.
Regardless of either way, up to level 20 [depending on your choice, maybe level 25] experience will come slowly. Then, experience levels start to fly by until roughly level 80.
I think they fixed “Uber leveling”. That was by far the fastest leveling.
The 3rd way to gain experience, the very least popular:
PLAY THE GAME. You will advance at a much slower rate and yet progress through the game, learning the lore and gaining various items and experience as you go. You’ll get to see and explore areas of the game you did not even know existed. A slower but enjoyable way to progress instead of the mindless and boring ways mentioned above. People who rush tend to either bot or get bored with the game very fast.
this way is very bad and very noob. stop suggesting it. if you’re playing alone, you can’t even kill trist at lvl 1. it’s actually a brain dead strat.
my suggestion, play the game normally until you hit 25. then get rushed to anywhere ahead of your lvl and get lvld. nightmare chaos is fine if you want to hit 40-50. if you have an experienced rusher get to hell and bang it out !
but telling people to just “trist lvl 1-15” is actually dumb. 1. you can’t make a game and enter the portal. so you have to … find a group of people with the portal open and willing to kill it for you until you find gear and get a few lvls to do it yourself… i just… i can’t.
Hahahaha, as if this was a solo game … lol … you really are that naive? EVERYONE, and I mean EVERYONE, knows to run pub trist runs as a group for fastest gain of exp … do you actually play D2 or just bot?
You really shouldnt answer posts when you dont have a clue what you are talking about, is emglish your first language?
BTW: for the op:
go to arreats summit
click on basics on the left
then up top click on experience
Tells ya what you need to know about exp gain.
no i know exactly what i’m saying. telling new players to level like that is jsut straight up stupid and boring.
if you want an ABSOLUTE schooling in how to power level fast let me know.
if you want to talk about actually power leveling, and not… playing the game like an ape.
you first start with a chantress… if you’re going for “fastest” possible. play an assn and lvl burst of speed only. have rclaw ready for lvl 15. do i need to go on or do you get my point yet?
i’m an experienced d2jsp power leveler. on HARDCORE to boot. i can do 5 at a time with no bots.
p.s i’m canadian, english is my first language. playing like you described is for plebs. enjoy being bad at the game. and showing others how to play badly.
and let’s just say, someone who IS playing offline even TRIES to take your advice? what then? oh, actually, you HAVE to go to the dark wood first, to open the portal. and then back to stoney field, you’ll actually be like lvl 9 or 10 by the time you make it there… /facepalm. you don’t see how there’s a flaw in telling EVERYONE that’s the best way to level? give me a break. get over yourself and your bad leveling advice.
No one said there was a best way, so calm your little ego down kid. I listed the top 2 most popular ways to level. No one said speed level or anything of the sort, so, again, calm your little ego down.
Just because you bot and use jsp and claim to be an almighty power levelr doesnt make you anything.
Believe it or not, kiddo, some people actually enjoy playing the game instead of rushing through it.
But you wouldnt understand that, your petty little ego might get touched, lmfao.
No kidding right?
Anyone can play a level 75+ character after being rushed through all content, and sponging exp.
Run a character from start to Hell Baal solo (completing all quests, maps, side-content), self-found (password protected games)… (without reading a guide).
I’m on my 5th character doing just that (well, last 3 guys have had benefit of being twinked along the way… but, was at least mostly account found… lol, some qualifiers in there eh?)… the experience comes as it’s needed, to keep the game interactive and challenging…
But… you have to like the actual game to enjoy that… and I think a large percentage of this forum user base is not here because they like the game… it seems they just want it easier and easier - for their Bots/RMT support/purposes… ???
hey, my first suggestion, to any NEW player, would be to play the game normally. not trist 1-15. we are not the same.