Every Streamer Has Alpha

Yes, that is his gameplay style.

He is a very laid back streamer who is great for newer players and casual players to learn from and watch. Lots of good explanations and commentary.

They want a wide variety of streamer types to appeal to a very wide variety of viewers. As you noted yourself, some styles or play are not interesting for you - and that includes maybe hardcore expert rushing the game.

I actually laughed a bit watching some of the new folks who have never played. Very entertaining seeing what they make of it, and when they discover how certain things work.

As much as Blizz wants to appeal to everyone who has played for 20 years, they want to interest a new generation too. That is a big part of why such a huge variety of streamers were selected so that a very broad group of viewers can see it.

It would be pretty cool to have a nice large vibrant D2R community that includes new folks too.