Every Class are dead except Pally and Sorc

I’ve played an Amazon (Bowazon) in Hell mode, on players8. It was hard, just like all of the other difficulty levels, at first. Once you find the right equipment, though, it’s no less difficult at the appropriate level. I’m guessing that you are a rusher, and don’t bother with setting up a survivable strategy. That’s fine, if you like an easy game.

IMO, Diablo 2 is balanced enough to give me the hard won victories I so desire.

Ever seen an Amazon leap over Diablo’s Fire Nova? I gather you have not. She can, you know.

Amazon strafe build with max pierce/CB is awesome. :slight_smile:
Pew pew, pewpewpew!

But yeah, you need the gear for it.

Nothing clears cows faster than lighting javazon. Or lighting WillemDaAmazon in this case.

If anyone thinks endgame barb is bad, they’ve never played d2 past 100 hours…

I’m still going to play Necro, Assassin, and Druid. If they are not “efficient,” good. That forces me to play better.

That is because 96.9% of those Sorc’s and Pally’s are bots. As long as Blizz can control the boting that should change once D2:R rolls out . If you do not know how to run basically any class in hell you are either unwilling, incapable, or do not have decent gear yet.
I played D2 for 15+ year’s exclusively and of that 8+ on HC never once using MH or a bot .After a certain point it only comes down to gear and desire. I have run hell effectively with every class with very little trouble beyond immunes and they can be problem for any class no matter the build.

Corpse explosion Necro would disagree with that statement…:wink:

man, Pally and Sorc arent even on my list of first 4 characters I am making. Bowzon and Wind Druid first and second.

Nothing wrong w/ class balance… seems to me your issue is more with gear requirements.

I do think some balance could be done especially around some of the really unused stuff for classes… thinking for instance like Iron and Blood Golems for my Necro as an example.

With that said I think allowing everyone to play from where D2 currently is for the first season or two is fine. It gives them a good area to focus on moving forward to tweak.

Lastly, in fairness, does balance matter as much on a PvM focused game? UBRS is the only real barrier for most… everything else can be designed or game’d around some but the player even if it isn’t the most efficient:

  • Necro, Druid, and Assassin player =)

They made a census on JSP and the expectation is that about 60% of players go Sorc at the start of a ladder.

Ha I will have to try a fishymancer and see!

You’re crying about softcore where death is inconsequential and the game is easy mode. All classes are made viable in this game for quick mf runs due to enigma. Javazon is the fastest baaler. Other classes are perfectly viable without enigma(can beat the game viable, since viability really only means 'can complete hell.) Comparing them in terms of PVE in the way you’re suggesting is pretty useless.

I think classes are much more balanced when playing hard core.
And the game originally was only hard core.

Does that make more sense why the classes are the way they are?

There has always been an option for soft core, since release.

False, please edit your post to remove your incorrect information.

I think Brevik said in an interview the original D1, was originally hardcore mode. But they changed it later. But that was to my knowledge back when it was turn based still. From what I can remember from a video interview from a long time ago.

try it with a spearazon you have to far over level and gearing a melee in general is much harder. The game needs some balance I’m not saying make everything necessarily viable build in Hell. But the last major combat skill in every branch should be viable and not be a slog to making the gameplay just feel more annoying then fun even with great gear.

Can you play spearazon in hell sure, but its not fun, much like playing a barb or druid in hell. But hammerdins,smiters and even vengeance pallies are a blast in hell. Javizon is also fun, some sorcerer builds are fun.

I was always rather impressed with how fast Dark Souls caught on, but at the same time I’m thinking, oh look something Blizzard could have easily done with Diablo and made a killing.

Although there are significant differences in gameplay, story, progression, character design to Diablo, it still feels like the game filled a gap that Blizzard dropped the ball on.

Edit:: Don’t ask me how much time I’ve spent playing Dark Souls and Dark Souls III. I don’t want to talk about it.

As someone that played the original Everquest, going back to the place where you died and looting your body, after losing some xp, seemed normal. Now it’s considered, “Hardcore”.

I would love a Dark Souls like game with Diablo 2s labyrinth generator.

That would be so fun. Kinda like that Necropolis game that came out a few years ago.