EU server issues with lag


it’s been 4 or more days almost in a row that the EU server is extremly laggy, making the game unplayable. The US server does NOT have this issue, so don’t start telling me about internet speed, packet loss and stuff like that.

Can we fix the EU server please?
Thank you.


And it’s still not the reason when 8 people from different countries have the same issue at the same time…

25 years in IT and still making rookie mistakes.

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I have found lag on both the US and the Asia servers in the last several days. Not sure why, but the lag and rubberbanding made me stop playing as it is no fun when it constantly happens.

It’s not an internet problem, it’s a server issue. It occurs for all players in the same game, but not in every game. Even baal waves are delayed, so probably some IO error on the server. Stuttering. That’s why the server and the client desync and rubberbanding happens.

You are talking about last hop issues, or routing issues between Blizz and the enduser, which have nothing to do with the error at hand.

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dj just likes to appear smart because they read a wiki article on the subject once. so insufferable.

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Soooo, the problem still exist huh?

I had these problems too, and all the other ppl in the full games i was.
it was a server issue