EU authentification server acting weird

There seems to be an issue with the auth server on EU, I keep failing to connect to server since Friday last week.

Am I the only one ?

Is this being worked on ?


It is the same for me in the last 4-5 days. I cannot create games either. I often have to switch to the other servers a few time (to which I connect instantly), just so I can eventually connect to EU

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Same thing, unable to connect
EDIT: Managed to log in after couple of tries

mine too, failure to connect to server. But i can play fine on starcraft. its been like a week.

Same here for several days now!

Same here for about 2 weeks. Closing the game and switching server, then right back to Europe helps, but its annoying.

same here, issue still persists

issue is now region wide. With Reset 3 days away… not lookin good.

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The issue persists, and has been degrading for weeks now, starting with slower loggin to fully being denied entering online now.