Yeah so looks like they’ve removed the so called “eth bug”, where you used to be able to cube an ethereal armor with the add sockets recipe and have it change the ethereal bonus defense from +50% to +100%.
One of my favorite recipes though that could bring a ‘Stone’ rune word up to around 4 or even 5k defense. Rip e-bug.
why is that a good thing?
it did not make any significant balance difference but only reduced the value of eth armor and makes fewer reasons to use a cube recipe
it was a bug that became a feature a long time ago and they just killed it for no reason
They shouldn’t have removed it honestly. It caused no issues, it was a fun mechanic, it didn’t disadvantage anybody, literally everyone used it and knew about it, it added more to the endgame farming and wasn’t overpowered in the slightest.
No idea why they’d remove it, it was a cool mistake, just one of those things that made Diablo 2 what it was.
Because it was a bug, a bug that made the game easier as well.
So 2 reasons to get rid of it 
lmao, high defence makes the game easier guys
Terrible reasons.
“It was a bug, bug is bad”. And it made the game “easier” unrecognisably.
Id challenge that. defense is always inferior to damage reduction. when your merc is facing a mob of 20 doom knights in chaos at level 85, even if your merc makes it to 6k defense, each one has a chance of about 50% to hit him. Shaftstop can drop from nighntmare mephi and is the better alternative. those e-bugged armors are a poor man’s choice. when you are poorly geared up you do lower kurast runs in hell and hope youre fast enough. but even then, you could just trap mephi with a blizzard sorc and farm for shaftstop.
It does, but if you can proof me wrong go for it.
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It still helps you to survive, even if it’s negligible.
If it had no use, why even complain it’s not bugged anymore?
it added complexity to itemization by giving etheral items some form of meaning. it added complexity to low level dueling (defense vs longevity of the items). now ethneral items are on the level of rares. dont pick up, its a waste of space.
Defense loses effectiveness when you RUN. It’s active when you WALK. Same thing for blocking.
That’s why Act 2 mercenaries always walk and never run, and any defense they have is fully effective at all times.
And its a bug and is fixed. i dont like the “original” comparisons. This is a new game and is about to fix mistakes of the old game.
lol “not overpowered” when 50% get to 100% at 5k def.
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lol “not overpowered” when 50% get to 100% at 5k def.
read my posts to put it into perspective.
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So what, it was still practically imperceptible.
Maybe your Mercenary survives 0.005% more of the time than he would otherwise? So what? It changes nothing about the actual gameplay.
The mistake is removing Ebug from the game and not making it permanent. They should’ve thought of it themselves instead of it being an accident (which they left in the game for 16 years because it was completely fine and everyone else was completely fine with it also).
Well, they could have made the 50% to 100% and fine. But that could other balancing issues…
i will not complain about bugs beeing fixed. But i wouldn’t complain if they keep this specific one.
its crap now we need to make sure to get Sacred armors for endgame to have highest def.
Thanks blizz…(not really)
and wsg and desynch off…tssss idk u guys gonna make it for babys, wanna destroy pvp and turn this in **** game.
It was in the original game and now it isn’t, what more is there to say really?
Hahahahah, too damned funny! They get rid of a harmless glitch but yet do NOTHING to curtail botting and D2 stores!!! They have “Anal-Cranial-Inversion”!