Duping confirmed

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items have been dissapearing since the beginning of d2:r and has nothing to do with dupes, iā€™m not trying to say thatā€™s what this is, but itā€™s not uncommon. or unheard of.

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$100 says he ā€œtradedā€ for it on JSP.

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Trading/ dropping Items really are a can of nasty dirty worms.

This isnt evidence like 99% of the ā€œdupe is real!ā€ threads weā€™ve gotten on this forum. As mentioned the game has a known item disappearing issue. Plus no private duper is going to dupe just a random non-perf enigma, what is the point? Any smart duper would just dupe bases which if it is still like classic whites/greys shouldnā€™t poof and they would dupe the necessary runes. Once the runes socket the item, the resulting runeword will not disappearā€¦


This. Feels like clickbait for views and self promotion to be honest.

This isnā€™t me denying duping exists anyways, it probably does. But this video isnā€™t an evidence. Its length is stretched to almost 20 minutes for monetization mark too when it has no right to be that longā€¦

YouTube is always my source for facts

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Well GGM is a cheater, so he probably knows. Was it worth losing your reputation to exploit sunder charms?

Lol I gave all those away, and after the bug was fixed. They are still so common the entire server has one of each at this point.

Because the videos main purpose is about trying to help people avoid getting scammed. Not just reporting that dupes are happening.

At this point 7(updated) Enigmas all with identical stats have poofed all traded on jsp.

There are also reports of a unidentified anni that are all identical when identified. That are also proofing.

There are multiple threads about it at this point on jsp.

At this point whether you believe it or not is irrelevant.


So? Iā€™ve seen all the threads on jsp since first week d2r was released, none are conclusive and still very speculative. There are only so many defense permutations possible, it isnā€™t abnormal to have a bunch of the same looking enigmas floating around. Again if you have the ability to dupe, why would you dupe a random enigma instead of a nice perfect white base and the individual runes just like with classic d2ā€™s duping messā€¦ so many more things worth duping than a random enigmaā€¦

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It may not be conclusive proof, whoever mightā€™ve discovered a duping method would no doubt keep a tight lid on it. Itā€™s still evidence enough to be wary when trading for high end items with unique ids.

The current working theory is that the dupe exploit requires you to be wearing the item.

Which would rule out runes.

Chobot traded 7 identical Enigmas that have all been confirmed to have poofed.

Not really sure even what your trying to argue at this point.

The fact that 7 Enigmas weā€™re duped isnā€™t even in question at this point.

The only question is did chobot dupe them, or did he get them from someone else.

How do you know base items donā€™t have a unique id in d2r?

apparently this specific video of his will not play on my browser, while his others do

so no context to go on via that linkā€¦

Because it wasnā€™t like that with classic and since these developers can barely code anything what makes you think they had the development money to enable ids with whites/greys ā€¦

Iā€™ve worked in fraud prevention and risk mitigation for 20 years, and I can assure you that while your question is valid, it is also is the most common misconception among those not familiar with the criminal activity, especially criminal activity related to financial crime. There are several reasons not to use a ā€œnice perfect white baseā€ in this scenario:

  1. Availability and Speed to Market: If you are going to do this kind of dupe and then trade (aka sell the times), you are going to want to maximize your profit, therefore you will want to be the first to market, as with any good brought to the market. When it comes to Enigma, you would want to use the first base that people will widely use that you can find, which would be a Mage Plate and of course 3os. If you can find one with any percent ED that would be best for marketability, but keep in mind, itā€™s early in the season, ANY MP Enigma is going to trade well, it doesnā€™t matter. The critical key is that if a duper spends 3 weeks waiting to find the perfect 15% ED 301 3os MP or the perfect 15% 3os AP to dupe, there will be significantly less market demand for their duped items, and therefore less profit.

  2. Window of exploit/attack open for only a short time: Criminals and fraudsters in fraud of this type will find an attack or exploit opportunity and then hit it relentlessly until the the ability for the exploit/attack is closed. The amount of time from criminal/fraudsterā€™s discovery of the exploit to the closing of the exploit is only letā€™s say X time. During X time, the criminal/fraudster has to do other things besides just execute the attack, for example, plan the attack, plan the exit (typically this involves planning the exit liquidity), etc., so there is only Y amount of time that is available to actually perform the and execute the attack, and from the criminal/fraudsterā€™s perspective, it is a very short timeframe in which the clock is always tickingā€¦unless of course it evolves into a situation where it never gets discovered or stopped. (We may well be dealing with that here)

  3. To be less suspicious: A non-perfect MP Enigma trading early in the ladder will appear less suspicious than a perfect MP Engima trading within days of the ladder, which avoids awkward questions. We see see very similar things happen in fraud that occurs with stolen credit cards and debit cards. The most frequent thing bought with stolen credit and debit cards is none other than gasoline at fuel pumps, even though you might think it was going to the ATM or jewelry store.

This dupe and sell scam doesnā€™t appear to have been/be about duping perfect items, it was all about moving high volume items to acquire as many HRs as possible for as little cost as possible, therefore duping items that would trade with very high volume was the target for the duping.

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Oh trust me I noticed, seems like my video was taken down for whatever reason.

No other video is affected.

I am at work atm so I will investigate later when I get home

I suspect that I know the reason why.

Same experience here. This particular video will not play in the browser while all others will, and the browser(s) are up to date.

A guy yesterday offered me not 1 but 2 identical Enigmas(766def) in 15ed ds for a low 15/13 Griffon with 5/5 facet. Of course I refused the deal tks to your video. He was to eager to make the deal and the fact that both rolled with same def seemed suspicious.
And this happened on NL btw. So it might not be limited to ladder.