Druid - Summoning - Link the healing process

To my Suggestion.

Link the healing process, between Carrion Vine & the companions.
Grizzly Bear
Dire Wolves x 3
Spirit Wolves x 5
Carrion Vine

Link the healing process between the Carrion Vine & the other companions.

Priority One
Fully heal The Druid

Priority Two
Heal the Grizzly Bear & the 3 x Dire Wolves.

Priority Three
Carrion Vine.

What about the Spirit Wolves?
They should not be part of the linking process, they are spirits/ghostly, only aura healing should impact the healing process for the Spirit Wolves.

So the “Top of the Tree” would look like this:

  1. Druid
  2. Grizzly Bear - Dire Wolves
  3. Carrion Vine ( The healer)

The Spirit Wolves has been excluded since they are spirits/ghostly.

Thank you for reading this.