Some nice stuff.
Suggestions in addition:
Shape Shifting Tree.
Change skills that are usable while shifted. Maybe not every skill you can get with charges and +skill, but as many as possible that makes sense and doesn’t make Beast auto pick for all casters as swap.
Middle path:
WW and Lycan don’t swap places. Middle path is an independent branch instead (only arrows down).
Fireclaw - used old and new attack speed calculation for WB - whichever is faster.
Hunger - also makes you pounce toward your enemy. Not sure if any animations are available, but at least rapid movement to where you click the skill and attack the nearest enemy to that point. Leap Attack / Charge for shifters. Autohit. Only an attack animation if the target point/ creature is in attack distance. Maybe reduce penalty / increase damage by 5% every level.
Feral Rage - increase duration by 1 second per level. Doesn’t end while in human druid form, you keep your stacks for the duration. Lose them if change to WB.
Fury - cannot be interrupted.
Maul - a Shockwave is released with each attack. Always the widest area of effect. Increase duration by 1 second per level. Doesn’t end while in human druid form, you keep your stacks for the duration. Lose them if change to WW.
Note: Some may think this change is crazy, but I don’t. If you go pure SW you will have other items and prioritize +skills for example, and possibly use a lot of MF gear, etc. So while your SW damage will not be as high (with the SW) as pure SW build, you will have your melee gear in focus and go for the attack speed, etc, and keep your Maul charged up. Maul is just really lacking, and you can already use a single SW to stun most enemies before smacking them, so the CC aspect shouldn’t be much different. I, for one, would prefer to go and smack enemies about rather than waving my paws at them (which my current build is). This would really add some weight to the attack and make it seem powerful.
Summoning Tree:
Spirits and Vines: perhaps hard points into skills gives synergies to the other sprits/vines. So 1 point Oak Sage = +30% life for the other spirit aura as well (not stacking with other Oak Sages). 1 point Solar = % mana recovered for the other vines when they eat a corpse. Maybe a caveat for the poison creeper as that GFX is damned anoying, lest we all suffer.
Spirit of Barbs - keep the worthless thorns. Lower poison, fire, cold and physical resistance on enemies. Increase poison, fire, cold and physical resistance to allies in the area. Maybe like start at 10% and 1% every other level, perhaps with diminishing returns after lvl x.
Just a few thoughts. I love WB and actually hitting things.