Drop Rates are rediculous

Game isn’t complicated.
If you want High Runes, run high player count and increase your killspeed. MF doesn’t matter.
For unique items, just farm Superuniques (Pindle, Thresh), Bosses on P1 with High MF.

That’s all.

Afterwards everything is RNG.

Droprates are fine

That’s what this game is. Some of us like it. Some people don’t. And that’s just fine. Not everyone like Minecraft, doesn’t mean it’s bad. Not everyone likes God of War that’s ok. Not everyone wants to play D3 or D4 when it comes out… That’s ok! Shocking I know.

If you really want to play with the crazy good uniques and runewords to try them and say good bye to D2, then I suggest getting a PC version and modding the game offline. That will solve that thirst out have.

Forge drops aren’t dictated by magic find.
You just have terrible luck.