Dream uniq item for season 10

If they were to create new unique items in Season 10, I would like something like this:

20 all resi
10% to max life

What uniq item u would like?

I don’t think we necessarily need new Unique items but rather items that already exist getting considerable tweaks/buffs. Furthermore, that Belt would be stupidly broken as that’s stronger than even a Crown of Ages with 2 x 15 IAS Jewels. Might I recommend looking up Charles’ topic on the subject(not hard to find).


Can y’all stop? They gave up! Nobody is coming, nobody is helping or fixing or creating anything. Why is it so hard for ppl to let go? They gave up and you should move on too.

Mosaic for every class

I want

Bone grip
Gloves Lvl 89 needed

+3 to bone/poison skills(necro only)
+7 to teeth(necromancer)
-35% magic damage resistance of enemies
20% FCR
+15 to all resistances
60% chance that bone spirit splits into 2 smaller projectiles on hit. Each additional hit of the split bone spirits reduces the chance by 10%(necro only)

Slippers of the Ice Citadel
Shoes Lvl 86 required

+3 to all frost abilities
+3 Cold Mastery(Sorc only)
freeze not possible
+60% increased frost resistance
cold absorption 25
+25% fire damage taken
repairs 1 point of durability every x seconds
requirements -50%

This would be amazing. I wouldn’t mind seeing some more -enemy resist or +elemental skill damage % spread across some of these as well.
Even just small values… 5-10%. These stats alone would incentivize wearing these uniques since sunder charms are a thing.

I believe Charles’ list adds this property to a good few. It would be exciting for sure.

Been 2 years now since any real update… so I think it’s just finished, sadly.