Dream Paladin opinion

I’m considering switching from hammers to dream, just curious on everyone’s opinion on this build, also how is it performing with sunder charms?

I would advise using either Crescent moon for pure lightning dmg or Grief for an hybrid lightning/physical.

I prefer going hybrid, because I dont think the game is meant to be played as a single dmg type.

With dual dream, tesladin have no problem with immunes, even without sunder charms. They are mostly usefull for budget builds (not using dual dream) that want to go the single dmg type route.

Tesladin is a super strong build. Have fun playing it.

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My beef with lightning is the possibility of very low damage. Having min damage so low makes many hits do nothing. I usually go for other holy auras. Hand of Justice + Dual dragon is my choice equipment wise. If you have merc with Infinity and yourself with Holy Freeze, there is nice amount of elemental damage.


My Tesladin has lvl22 Resist-lightening/Salvation, lvl25 Conviction, and a lot of zeal/sacrifice, smite/holy-shield.
He makes use of Act1 merc with Faith bow to get Fanatacism.
He is essentially a zealot/smiter(melee) with a lighting-pulse aura.
I quite enjoy him.
I have never played a Hammerdin, but, in playing alongside them in-game, the DualDream does not appear to have near the killing power/speed of hammers.
If you were to rely on the lightening alone, you’d be spending a large portion of your time running in circles waiting for the pulses to whittle down the monsters.
Jumping into the mess with zeal/smite makes for much faster progression (and is my preferred playstyle anyways, so, there’s that).

Hope that helps.


Chopped up the quote a bit… hope you don’t mind…

Agree… I have a 361/40/21 Grief, and a Cresent Moon, both are fun, prefer the Grief.
Also have a LastWish, and that is a lot of fun as well… DualDream, Zeal/Smite, Fanata, Might and Fade… yep, pretty fun.
Also, agree on immunity… if I’ve ever faced a lightening and physical immune monster, guessing the Conviction took care of it, cause, this guy seems to operate at the same speed regardless of what’s in front of him.


Thanks everyone for the advice and opinions! Can’t wait to try it out. Will also take the dragon build into consideration too!

i build it and i dont like it, my expectation are enemy dies from the holyshock aura P1 with 1 zap, but no, they die like 2-4 zap, only fallen act 1 die in 1 zap if i remember correctly ( also there are delay time to zap enemy) ,
you have to hit them with zeal which is the true powerdamage, but thats not my style & expectation.
sold all the dream set, after 1-2hour playing as dream pal. again this is my preferences play style opinion other may disaggre with me.


No disagreement here, and not sure there could be any.
Tesladin is totally overrated… and anyone that spews such ideas that he is OP, just walking around effortlessly destroying things has spent too much time watching YouTube videos (designed for ratings/views rather than truth) and have never actually played the build.
Tesladin is a zealot/smiter, who has a cool aura that sometimes takes out minions, sometimes not so much.
If you like zealot/smiter, but get tired of chasing minions around to smash them, Tesladin might be for you.

yeah my expectation was walking effortlessly + no brain needed lol at least P1 hahaha…, but no i am wrong haha
im not sure with sundercharm + confictim tho.
totally aggre with you, the main course is zealer

is the fire variant any better?

Had a Tesladin (Grief/Enigma/duel Dream) last ladder. Best char I ever had. P1 everything just dies around you and P8 you can easily clear any content in the game with physical + lightning dmg. No problem whatsoever in any situation/difficulty. And I also think it’s quite fun!

I did have a Dual Dragon with HandofJustice in a phase blade.
It was not build like the one Cay made.
I ran the same Act1 merc with Faith (for Fanata), and my fire build was essentially the same as the Tesla, except max’d fire-resist ilo light-resist.
I was not a fan.
The Dragon armor gives up a lot compared to a decent Fortitude… and combined with HoJ he left a lot on the table compared to Grief.
I mean, he was cool as heck, and fun, but he was using Redemption, or consuming health potions a lot (compared to what I am used to)… which slowed him down/made me nervous of death, and, Chaos was not at all like a simple zealot, or DualDream zealot… he struggled there more than i would have imagined, and more that i was willing to continue experimenting.
I just could not get good resistances on him. I’m sure there is a way, but not with what I had on hand.
I ditched the dragon(s) and HoJ items after a few days of playing around.
(kinda wish i hadn’t, because he was super cool… not as efficient… but super cool was pretty fun to be honest)

But not before i tried a dual dream, dragon-armor HoJ build as well.
Maybe if you had enough skiller gear to max resist-lightening and resist-fire somehow, while still investing in zeal, holy shield… but, that’s a tonne (metric for full effect) of skill points, which, I simply didn’t have.
Maybe if I’d spent more time on him, but, farming/trading-for essences/tokens for re-spec’n him got old and i gave up.

In my limited (and I’m a casual) playing-around with dragon, dream, dream-dragon… my little experiment revealed that DualDream combined with Fortitude and a mid-rolled Grief surpasses a Fire build, and/or a combined Dream-Dragon build.

In the Paladin forum, there is a thread titled " Have anyone tried dragon-zealot build" where i went into more detail… if you so desire.

I’m not saying I did everything right, or that I’m an expert on anything… but the above is my experience/experiment.

Hope that helps.

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It truly helps alot

Recently rolled 2 dreams and built my tesladin. I actually like it. Using grief with zeal. I went with the act 5 merc rocking last wish and lawbringer. Really solid char…not the best…not the fastest, but can farm any area in the game even in full games.

yes i aggre, it looks cool but not all that looks cool efficient at farm.

The question is what you are comparing him to?

If you compare him to the casters (FOH and Hammerdin) then obviously he won’t be that good.

But Tesladin was never just about the aura. That was a bonus that makes him a bit faster when clearing rooms - faster than a normal zealot or smiter because stuff dies around you when you are hitting other stuff. That was always 50% of the appeal.

The other 50% is the huge bonus to Zeal damage from lightning, essentially making him able to kill any monster in the game. Phys immune? Doesn’t matter, you have lightning component. Lightning immune? Doesn’t matter, you deal physical damage.

I like him better than a normal Zealer or Smiter but it’s always within a certain context. I have no illusions that a Hammerdin performs better.