Downgrade rune cube recipe

add a new cube recipe to let us downgrade runes to the previous tier. 1 to 1 ratio. so i can finally turn the 2 chams i’ve found into jahs :stuck_out_tongue:


That would be a drastic change to the economy. Would feel bad for the ppl who traded off their Zods and Chams for few Ists.
Could be ok if only possible to do in ladder though.

nothing wrong with increasing the value of runes that arent used very much atm. if new runewords includes alot of gul and cham (and eld lol) then gul and cham value will go up just like if a new cube recipe that lets you downgrade runes will increase the values.

if people traded around cham they didn’t get ripped off. its like trading stock and its value changed later. nothing wrong with that and the guy in charge of decision making (in this game) should probably know that it is ok.

unless u want cham to stay as a low value rune. cuz i dont want that :stuck_out_tongue:
cham is harder to get than jah so nothing wrong with giving cham more value

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No because then every rune above Ber would be worth Ber. It would also multiply your odds of finding runes you want quite significantly.

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and why is it bad that every rune above ber would worth a ber?

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Because people use Cham and Zod for CBF and Indestructable. No one would pay a Ber price for any of it though.

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That is why in my opinion, more people want it than people that don’t.

I think I’d settle for a separate shared rune and gem stash tabs where the respective currencies can stack so we can at least hold more of them without having to resort to eleventy billion mules. Kinda tired of the whack-a-mule game I have to play currently with those two sets of items.

For reference, the stashes would operate much the same way the PoE versions do, minus the “extra” slots for random items as we don’t need that particular addition since D2R isn’t flooded with eleventy billion types of currency like PoE.

I would be ok with 2 zods into cham, 2 chams into Jah, two Jah into Ber…

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No way, everyone will just have an infinity and enigma off the hop if you allow this.

I am not sure this is a great and even necessary idea, though it’s a fair suggestion. After all, the high runes are not nearly as rare as in pre-1.13 patch… anything below ZOD is now actually achievable though it still needs some work of course. Do we really want another decision making to be removed? Case in point, cubed two chams into zod recently and now find myself actually thinking about needing a cham… but so what, learned a lesson there to not cube anything before I have the item I need the rune for.

I apologize if this sounds like a broken record, but these changes could easily accumulate and take too much of the thinking and decision making out… imagine next we ask for runes/jewels to be kept after removing them using the HEL recipe and so on…slippery slope, IMHO

This would be a very good change IMO. It is also fair, worst case scenario 2 Cham = Jah, but I think you could still call it a win after all. If you play for weeks and weeks with no luck to see a Jah or a Ber, it’s only natural to be able to get one if you at least got 1 or 2 Chams. it’s close to 2022. Most of the player base are no longer teens and have responsibilities. It’s messed up to play for months or even years without seeing a single Ber or Jah…not to mention to have one or 2 Enigmas or 1 or 2 Infinity. Not to mention that it’s possible to see many players switch to D4 when it comes out. It would feel bad to not have been able to make a single Engima till then. And ofc we’re talking about doing it properly in-game, not by paying2win. I’m just saying.

The only ones that will get mad are the ones selling on JSP. It will ruin THEIR economy, but not the in game economy. It would boost it in game.
Someone said it would increase drop rates, that’s a false statement. The post had nothing to do with changing drop rates what so ever.
Another person said it would cause people to have enig, and infinity right off the jump. They already do. I see people on day one of ladder with enig, and day 2 with infinity. So nothing changed there.
The problem is, those who JSP all their elite gear do not want other people to be as good, or have the same elite gear they do. Plain and simple.
I have a solution: You should be able to reverse runes you combined, but not downgrade ones you have just found. It has to be one made by a cube to be down graded in a cube. Get it?
What I was actually looking for is the possibility to downgrade armor.
After upgrading a piece of armor, and finding that the STR requirement is more then you want to bare, you should be able to reverse that upgrade, and restore the original item level.
Maybe you knew the STR, and you respeced for it, but later decided it wasn’t worth it and rather have those points back in Vita, and go back to original item level.
So I don’t say it for those who don’t check first, but those who did, gave it a try, and decided they didn’t like it.
You might have a perfect item, or close to perfect item you did this to. So it’s not that easy to just go out and get another perfect item to replace it with. Or maybe it’s personalized.
I am sure people will come up with how this is not a good idea, but they JSP everything and rather have them go back and JSP another item instead of restoring it back to what it was.
Notice most objections to these idea’s benefit those that use JSP to get items, instead of playing the game.

Nobody on JSP gives a crap about other JSP users or the average user having gear.

As for the crushing of higher runs down to lower runs I’m all for it. Why should finding a ZOD be so underwhelming when it is the hardest rune to find? They could perhaps bring more use from cham/zod by putting out good rune words that require them, but this method works too.

If Mosaic never happened i would be all for this. Now though, knowing what Blizzard is capable/incapable of i rather have no change at all. Players do NOT need more/easier ways to find their Bers and Jahs.

I’m not sure that not doing this stops the status-quo and that doing it would change it enough for you to be concerned about.