Double Movement Speed KILLED my Lvl 85 HC Character! 22 Nights of BS

I’ve literally been overshooting everything I’ve been trying to click on all day. It is a huge pita. That lead to me over extending right into a mob that vaporized me in the blink of an eye. The other days so far have been somewhat useful, but this is literally the worst. Full geared sorc down the drain. Bitter is an understatement.


Rest in peace! :skull_and_crossbones::headstone::skull:

Next time if you aren’t comfortable with one of the Night of Terror daily mods playing with your HC character, sit it out. Hind sight is 20/20.


Considering this buff is meant to help non-Sorceress classes with moving around, dying as a Sorceress is some massive irony ngl. As has been mentioned, if you don’t like a buff, sit the day out. Personally I liked the +100% Movement speed. Made getting around on a new HC toon a tad easier.

The irony here is that if the OP is dying because of a runspeed boost, can someone please tell me how they manage to not die by teleporting into mobs? Smells kinda fishy there.


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Sorry to say this but this is skill issue, not issue of 22 nights if terror ::grin:


Skills require consistency and practice. Which is exactly why this event is just a big “let’s make the holidays suck” from Blizzard.

The holidays are ruined because of movement speed? Hahaahahhahahahahahhahahahajahahhahahsjshahjahahahhaha

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Remeber you play HC, you could got a internet DC and die. You could enter Frigid Highland and die to archer before you load. I know HC is adrenaline and that it has good market compared to SC but maybe try SC for a change.

I never made it far in HC but after daying to invisible diablo spell in the corner of the screen (no animation) in 1 shoot im not going back to HC. Dying on char thats 95+ is enough for me.

Play some fun off-meta build on SC, stuff that you would not play on HC do to not being viable there.

Don’t play HC if you can’t handle character deaths. You’re only bitter at your own decision.

I will be sitting out the whole christmas season with my 93 firedin on hardcore. You remember last season when they made it -75 all res and a bunch of people died?