Do you think skill and attribute respec should be easier in the remaster?

I personally think its a great QoL change, I know you get 1 respec per per difficulty cycle, but I think there should a be a more reliable way to respec if you messed up a build without having to make a new character.

Also new players can change builds to adapt and learn.

I know some die hard fans will not like this, but just dont use it if you dont want, you know your exact build the moment you start the game, many people won’t.

You actually get more respecs than the 3 quest ones. When you kill any of the act bosses they drop there relevant essence and you can cube these up for a “token of absolution” that resets all stats and skills on use.

Wait what? How did I never know about this? never noticed any essence dropping from them

Wow I never knew about that, guess cause didnt play Hell that much, but still you need to get all 4 pieces with a low drop rate and only in hell difficulty after you basically beat that game?

That’s very inconvenient and unpractical for most of the game

Respeccing/reselecting stats shouldn’t be convenient in an rpg. Back in the day there was no way to respec at all.

you will find all these feature playing diablo 3 have a nice day :raised_hand:

That’s the point. You shouldn’t be able to completely reset stats and skills on the fly. People would abuse this to get past hard content. Skill and stat resets are already in a good place imo.

Well at least the runes that makes it possible to reset should have higher drop rates.

seeing as you didnt even know about the reset token, your points are a little moot.

the way it is is good.

just play more

No. Keep that garbage out of D2. You already get 3 free respecs after each Den of Evil quest in each difficulty, and you get tokens of absolution which you have to pay a price for. It’s more than fair.

Here come the elitists who want everyone to suffer for no reason. Im not saying it should be so easy like D3, but definately not locked behind the bosses of hell far after you complete the game.

Its fun to keep trying new builds and changing stuff.

Elitists like you will keep the game to only hardcore fans and lose so many new players

You get plenty of chances to try out new builds. 3 free chances and then the token respecs later on. Getting the essences for tokens from Andy/Duriel+Mephisto are super easy. The essence from Diablo shouldn’t be too hard to get either. The essence from Baal is the only one that is challenging in the beginning of ladders. You can always remake a character and transfer your gear if you get stuck in a bad build or else have somebody help you.

d2 is about planning, reading info, checking recipes, actually putting some effort into your chars.

that is part of what makes it great.

each char should feel like you built them for a purpose.

dont just rush into your next build, do a little char development first.

You literally get 3 free specs each difficulty, what suffering is there for you? The game has been out for 20 years, go look up a build for a class you like and follow it.

You definitely are. You want free unlimited respecs. This is D3 logic.

So make a new character or earn tokens.

D3 and D2 are two entirely different games for different audiences. I think everybody needs to understand that. The fact that Blizzard is catering so much to newer players, which are 95% casual players, is the reason why D3 failed.

The casual players will quit after a month anyway and move on, and the hardcore fanbase will quit because its a shallow D3 lite. Leading to another failure.

its great how it is now. You can flesh out skill to get you through normal. Then respec to a nm build, when you are 30+ and pick any tree and get access to final skill and then work through buffing it or getting a secondary.
its the perfect set up.
You get a final respect to sort out your hell farm build and at that point you should be able to farm essence for more respecs. If you messed up twice and can’t make it to hell then yeah reroll and think of it as a lesson

Hi there! Just wanted to let you know that this type of thought isn’t always elitism in RPGs (it sometimes is though)

Some of us oldschoolers love immersive and character-building infrastructure, not because we enjoy making these games harder for you, but because it feels as an identifying trait for US and our characters.

We like that there is a different feel to each character as we level her up, and that they are distinct characters.

An unlimited respec feels as though every sorceress you level is the same.

This may stem from 80s and 90s paper games and early RPGs, I am not sure, but many of us used to sit and reroll characters for literal hours (or days) just for 1 extra point of Strength, Dex, or Charisma.

Please understand we aren’t doing this to make your play experience worse, we are wanting our play experience to be better.

Elitism is not our motive here.

I dont think ive ever even used all 3 of my characters respecs EVER. we dont need more respecs. do some research before you respec THREE TIMES willie nilly

I personally think, the drop rates always were too low for Diablo and Baal. If you are playing in groups, it does not really matter, if you messed up some skills. But if you play solo, it does matter a lot. And exactly in this situation it is extra hard to farm Baal. Now I would appreciate a higher drop chance, or a very low drop chance from Nightmare Bosses aswell, such that inaccurately specced chars have a chance to continue the game.

i actually dont hate the super low drop chance on nm baal diablo idea. seems like a fair compromise.