It’s a little tiring that every character out there is carrying Spirit runeword in a Monarch or Pala shield around. It’s a little immersion breaking that, f.e., shrunken heads on necromancer are just useless. It’s particularly breaking on the aesthetics of a necro; it’s all death and decay and than there’s a “hero” type of shield on him. He’s not a hero. He doesn’t want to be a hero. Why does he have to carry Spirit just to get the 35% fcr to meet a breakpoint?
Can’t you either boost up the other shields to a competitive level (like all those useless unique shields?), or make elite necromancer shields also with 4 sockets? I mean, if we’re here to break stuff, might as well light up the building.
Spirit has been an eyesore for a while now… low level shield that rivals or mostly straight up outclasses even the rarest shields in D2.
I made a similar post awhile back mentioning Spirit is arguably the best shield in the game and is dirt cheap (bad combination). A well deserved nerf is in order, such as:
Im all for keeping Spirit as it is, maybe increase its level requirements, but it’s a little silly there’s just no other choice. It’s just Spirit… there’s no competition outside of a paladin who can argue for Exile, HoZ, … or a 20ish HR worth of JMOD that only a handful of people have or could afford.