Do new players participate in pvp?

i have been playing hardcore way too long to know anything about pvp by now but back then in softcore there were a lot of duels games at all times (duels to duelssssssssssss - all those game were usually taken and populated)

at that time there were a lot of noobs pvpin just to try it and give incentive to get better.

is that not a thing anymore?

it was a bit boring/cheesy with a lot of bridge camping and such :wink:

moving to hardcore and putting much less importance on pvp made my diablo life a lot more fun personally.

the meta builds are all really expensive like 40 high runes for a decent char

i was saying a lot about that before and how we need a separate pvp mode with vendors that sell you gear. I think that would get ppl into it a lot more imo

one side effect is you would kill off 99% of RMT in this game too lol

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So yeah, bowazons are still top tier, like I said. I love how you laid it all out yet still failed to come to the proper conclusion, lol. Just because they’re expensive, or other classes can be better for cheaper, doesn’t really mean anything. It’s PvP, it’s all about matchups, and bowazon has quite a few advantageous ones. It’s clear you do know what you’re talking about, but yeah, sorta silly you failed to heed your own knowledge.

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Because “trash PvP” is often the most fun sort of PvP. Jank is often a good thing in games, not bad. It’s treasure, not trash. Have fun! :slight_smile:

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What I explained isint really hard to simplify…

Pvp bow zons are the most expensive and still below all other classes.

Can zons win in pvp? Yeah. Do they need a serious buff? Yep.

Do you need further elaboration?

pvp in this game, without considering unbalanced class brick wall, is about to min-max to the extreme, new players with normal mentality simply can’t enjoy that, bit like Quake, the ceiling is just too high (in terms of the gears in D2 instead of raw skills in Quake).

Agreed. Aside from huge class balance issues this is the other big one.

There’s literally no skill involved, its 100% just whoever has the better gear and min/maxing.

Nope, because you’re only regurgitating what I already know, and haven’t been helping your case one bit. And no they don’t need “serious buff” whatever that means lol. Look, if you want to just agree to disagree, then say so. Also I know at least as much about PvP as you do, I don’t need any simplifications or explanations or whatever else you keep trying to do.

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I hearted your post for the effort.
Well played.

I mean, I was originally talking to Lordwarp in my replies, not you. Not sure how you didnt even realize that? I guess Its cool that you want to butt in with your worthless drivel though lol.

You obviously dont know though as you haven’t even put forth a real argument. You literally have just stated multiple times “they dont need a buff”. Then you claim “I already knew this”.

Then you contradict yourself with the whole “whatever youre trying to do”. Well, I was trying to explain to you WHY they need a buff, i thought that was obvious? Instead of blathering on about nothing how about you elaborate as to why they do NOT need one?

I think you’re way above your head here.

Lol, I see how you are. I could dissect your entire reply like you try to do with mine, and refute basically everything you just wrote to put you to bed, but it’s clear you’re not worth my time anymore. Sorry we disagree and that’s that, I guess.

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D2 was never meant to be a PVP game. It’s just a “nice to have” in this game, and nobody in their right minds would solely play D2 for the PVP aspect of it.

I think the game was just flat out better before 1.10, in basically every way possible.

Back on topic, specific PVP modes would be amazing. I keep repeating this, but multiple teams fighting over d clone would be insanely fun, and at that point, coming up with a winning composition and strategy would be quite incredible.

I’ve always loved D2 PVP, but I totally understand why many don’t. The game didn’t have insanely deep skill mechanics, so little things like the direction you walk can make or break the match. Seriously, things that small decide who wins, mostly because players can deal such an insane amount of damage to one another, but also because the skills are quite simple.

That isn’t necessarily bad, but it’s definitely specific and niche. For pvp specific modes, I’d probably double the pvp damage debuff, and essentially cut the damage to players in half, to allow for deeper, more meaningful engagements, where large sequences can happen.

Right now, a barb vs hammerdin duel looks like this: The barb knows what he’s doing, and ww’s in the same direction the hammers travel to avoid being hit, as the pally telestomps. The tactic works, and the barb one shots the pally.

Or like this: The pally feints the telestomp by stopping just shy, and baits the ww out of the barb. The pally is able to get a handful of hammers off, and all of them connect, killing the barb.

Honestly, the combat just doesn’t allow for prolonged encounters. In games with great PVP, both of those scenarios would have happened in the same engagement, and they’d walk away with 50-75% hp, wondering what they should do next, and potentially using skills other than teleport and a single damage ability.

Granted, Blizz won’t change the pvp mechanics of skills, so the best we can hope for is team based pvp modes, which will add quite a bit of depth all on its own. And honestly, even if they wanted to change skills and add a layer of depth to the pvp by doing so, they might just mess things up, because Blizz has sucked for a very long time now.

In a recent poll, over 60% of the people who voted said pvp mattered to them in some capacity, and a substantial amount said pvp was the main reason they played D2.

I personally think there are much better pvp experiences out there, but if people love D2 PVP, there’s nothing wrong with that. And honestly, there’s somethign special about building a character from the ground up, allocating stat points, picking all of your gear, theorycrafting for hours, and then finally putting it to the test against another player who has done something similar.


As has been already stated, just because it requires expensive gear, does not mean bowa is bad. Once you get the gear, its pretty strong.

You can do crazy damage just shooting randomly from offscreen. Fast traveling projectiles that reach super far and have autoaim at a closer range. Thats not really enjoyable mechanic for others in PvP.

Buff the damage and noone will play anything else than bowa in PvP.
There was a very good reason they removed the pierce from GA. That was retardedly OP.

They don’t reach super far though?

Me and my brother in the same room on 2 computers running tests found that guided arrow just goes right by like the person is not even there if they’re not on the same screen. Go test it if you don’t believe me.

Also. I have a decked out 96 bowa with perf faith, etc and I do almost 9k guided physical.

Ran a test on with my pally and they sit there and take it like it’s nothing when not blocking. Meanwhile bowa gets slaughtered because no block and crappy maxed dodge.

Zons were heavily nerfed before the original developers left because they were OP but it was taken way too far and nobody has looked into it since.

Really 2 handers need a buff. There’s a reason nobody uses them aside from pvm fury druids dude. What do you think that reason is?

Bowazons became obsolete when dmg, original guided arrow, piercing, knockback, and other tools were taken away from them. Now they’re sitting ducks.

BTW, expensive gear does in fact take away from any skill factor of dueling for most.

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I used to do basically nothing but pvp in classic and it was very fun. Back then, almost everyone had the same (some duped) items, the barrier to entry was much lower, and, perhaps as a result, pvp was more skill- as opposed to item-based.

Nowadays, you have so many things you can min-max, and having a competitive pvp character is very expensive. It is not noob friendly at all and they probably have to invest real money to purchase these items. So, no, I doubt many new players participate or enjoy pvp, such as it is.