Do all you people do here is complain?

I wonder what ability will be replacing Teleport next on the forums.
Teleport is not broken.
It’s just misunderstood.

I find it better experience than playing this broken game.

All of you posts are complaining about complainers. That, in itself, is complaining…

This thread should be the Department of Redundancy Department…

If others crying, makes you cry, then don’t listen to them crying…
…Or do, I think this is hilarious. Put on your big kid pants and just play.


It took them nearly 20 years to fix the issues the game has had since launch. I don’t think the complaints did much to be honest.

Isn’t this post a complaint about complaining? lolol

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Complainception. I find a lot of the complaints a bit odd but it’s good that people are complaining or suggesting things. It means they care about it, some selfishly but it’s still someone who sees an issue or perceived issue they think should be fixed.

I know I can’t stop ranting about the lobby, but to me it feels like they just don’t see how bad it is.


Here complaining about people complaining…


This is the result of a very lazy and disappointing patch 2.4

Had they given us a Major patch rather than it minor one

People would have had more game content to play, not having time to go on forums

D2R needs QoL and endgame activities

  • loot filter

  • holy grail tab

  • ingredient stacking

  • Anya personalize transmog

  • Hell+

  • Pvp point system

  • Natalya Cleansing contracts

  • crafting 2.0

  • replace immunity with resistant

  • reworked synergy system

  • reworked ctc/Oskill/charge system

  • reworked itemization

With that much meat on the bone, people would have no reason nor time to whine

The sole purpose of any internet forum is to complain. That’s just the nature of the internet, not this board alone. Also, you’re complaining.

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Comes to the forum, to complain about the complaints in the forums…


If people complain so much about D2R, why even play this game? :rofl:

Because people complain for it to be better because it can easily and effortlessly be better

People love the game, see the potential, they want to play the game

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Again im taking this as more of an assumption than fact.

The reason is simple, we want to better our own things just like this game.
I would rather me, you amd everyone here play this game together while seeking new and better ways.
Complaints make things better or how else would they know. We also have the right to complain because we actually are complaining with our money what we paid for.
Complain away but constructivly and also hear the opinions of you other gamers as it might not be a good idea and hurts the game.
Some toxicity will be around but if you care for your game then fight back constructively and get involved in the PTR.

There’s complaints and constructive criticism which a minority of people do here in a civil and respectful way.

Then there’s entitled crybabies who are agressive and bash the devs and community managers, those seem to be in very large numbers here. If some of you aren’t like this and are still offended by this post then that’s your problem.

An example - look at post where someone complains about the lobby system where there was a blue post. Look at pretty much all the replies after. Now imagine that’s your job, how would you feel lol? Damned if you do damned if you dont…

Now i’m expecting the classic “but that’s his job!”, Well yes it is but it’s not his job to absorb all the hate and woes of angry children, and the worst of all to get threats.

Finally i’m gonna say i’ve been having a blast playing ressurected since it’s launch.
And honestly i got way more than i expected and was pleasantly surprised.
But man we you come on these forums specifically you get the impression that this game is awful… Only here.

Nothing more needs to be said.

this forum is full of cry babies who just need to move onto PoE/Lost Ark/D3/wait for D4/etc… sure give us some new runewords, items, making trash spells viable, QoL stuff but leave d2r what made d2 so great for the original fans…

I didn’t :slight_smile:

I’m having a good time if i could log in
C wut I did there

I’m all for suggestions on how to make the game better - in an almost vain hope that someone from Blizz might take a look and think, “Why not…”

This is a positive thing for me, but unfortunately, almost any suggestion is met with an almost-instant toxic response.

So, even when a post starts off as a good thing, someone quickly comes along and mires the thread in the usual B.S.

Face it, D2R is an admirable game, but it ain’t perfect. It needs updating, fixing, and improving. People should be able to voice an opinion without bile in response. Their ideas should be energetically supported/resisted, but in a dignified manner.

Unfortunately, that ain’t the reality in these forums.

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A post complaining about complaining. Do you not see the irony?

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Yes their is alot of truth about what you say.

For me coming here and seeing some of the toxicity dont make me think the game is bad or makes me feel bad. I play my own game and the way i want.

I dont agree with the CM having to read toxicity pr rather i dont care if he has to go through hate mail… that is what he signed up for. They still have problems like chat bug and the lobby to fix. People will express their dislike which can transalate to toxicity. Its simple things like this also makes me want to give more toxicity. Instead put up a construcktive argument and get the back up of the community.

Finally complaing about people complaing is worse. You see it dont add any value to anything period other than you seemed to be angry with other users. People who did complain did chamge a few things and it was toxic the way it started. So i say thank you to some of these. For me no comments bother me unless its aimed at me with malice.

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